[Css-csts] CCSDS - CSTS W.G. Teleconference from 5th September - Minute of Meeting

Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
Tue Sep 11 11:59:22 EDT 2012

Dear All,
I would like to summarise herewith the outcome of the Working Group 
Telecon from 5th September. 
Please let me have your comments, if any, by 14th September c.o.b.
Kind regards,

CSS-CSTS W.G. Teleconference - 5th September 2012
1)      finalisation of the CSTS Specification Framework (for Return-only 
1.1.    some of the comments received from John Pietras, which deserved 
some discussion, had been addressed in a previous Teleconference with John 
(service-specific events vs Framework events). Other comments have been 
adopted and will be introduced by  Yves in the next draft version.
1.2.    Comments from Sylvain Gully are mainly of editorial nature, and 
will also be included.
1.3.    After the integration of these last comments the book shall be 
submitted to Secretariat for starting the Review process ( as RED-2).
2)      Forward Services: 
2.1.    Simple Data Processing Procedure: no further comments (only a 
couple of typos)
2.2.    Sequence Controlled DPP: one comment about handling of 
PROCESS-DATA invocations vs Productions Status. Text will be corrected
2.3.    Buffer DPP: the comments will be summarised by Sylvain in an 
e-mail. Tim Ray will incorporate those comments to the text and will 
review the English style.
2.4.    When the text for the 3 procedure will be finalised with these 
last comments, it can be integrated in the CSTS FW. This will start the 
generation of the next Draft version. During the next weeks, and notably 
during the meeting in Cleveland, the remaining elements of the Forwards 
Services will be worked out. Focus on the data structures and ASN.1
2.5.    In case the next draft version becomes available while the 
previous version is not yet processed by Secretariat, this last version 
may replace the previous one ( to be discussed with Secretariat)
3)      Prototypes:
3.1.    The prototype for Return Services (Framework+ MD Service) can be 
updated on the basis of the new Draft version.
3.2.    CNES/C-S France are evaluation the extent of changes, aiming at 
starting the work a.s.a.p
3.3.    Forward Services: as per discussion at the Darmstadt meeting: NASA 
will develop the Prototype for Forward Services. Tim Ray undertakes to 
develop the User side. Provider side to be discussed with T.Wickline.
3.4.    It is proposed to bring to the Cleveland Meeting an architectural 
diagram of the Prototype (particularly the Provider side).
4)      Magenta Books suite: Vega (Martin Goetzelmann) completed the 
update of the five books. The relevant ?Projects? have been created in the 
CWE , and are awaiting approval by the CMC. In principles, the Books can 
be submitted for Review only after the relevant implementation ( i.e. the 
SLE API containing the changes) has been run and validated. This is not 
yet done. The validation can possibly be done by the end-2012. The Working 
Group will re-assess the situation of the updated Magenta books when the 5 
CWE Projects swill be approved.
5)      Update status of the "Guidelines" and of the "Concept"  books: at 
work with Vega. Subject not addressed in this Telecon.

Margherita di Giulio
Ground Station Back-end Section (HSO-GIB)
European Space Agency ESA/ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5
D-64293 Darmstadt - Germany
Tel: +49-6151-902779
e-mail: Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int

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