[Css-csts] Action item A#09-0511S

Lassere Francois Francois.Lassere at cnes.fr
Fri Sep 9 08:44:07 EDT 2011

  <<Monitored Data Service Interoperability Test Plan
(extension)28-July-2011.doc>>  <<Yellow Book test report.doc>> 
Dear CSTS WG colleagues 
At the Berlin meeting, I was assigned action item A#09-0511S: "CNES will
propose an extension of the test plan for the Version 2 of the framework
and MD service (additional test  for Notify and Information Query
The attached file contains an updated version of the test plan, however
some points remain to be precised, for instance the event names and the
way to generate these events.
In the Berlin MoM document there is a second action for CNES (with the
same item number A#09-0511S) : "CNES will provide a first draft for an
interoperability test report document (yellow book)". I have a question
about the scope of this yellow book : Do we have to report in this book
only MD prototype tests or do we have to include also framework
prototype tests ?
The second attached file contains a first draft of this yellow book.
Best regards
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Name: Monitored Data Service Interoperability Test Plan
Type: application/msword
Size: 136192 bytes
Desc: Monitored Data Service Interoperability Test Plan
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/css-csts/attachments/20110909/ab8689c6/MonitoredDataServiceInteroperabilityTestPlanextension28-July-2011-0001.doc
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Name: Yellow Book test report.doc
Type: application/msword
Size: 243200 bytes
Desc: Yellow Book test report.doc
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/css-csts/attachments/20110909/ab8689c6/YellowBooktestreport-0001.doc

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