[Css-csts] Re: Area calendar for May meetings; request for inputs

Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
Tue Mar 30 08:59:11 EST 2010

Dear Erik and CSTS WG colleagues,
I forward herewith the CSTS WG draft agenda for the May meeting.

I have taken into account John's involvement in the SM WGs as per his e-mails
Concerning the joint session with the Nav. WG, this has been entered
according to John's e-mail from 12th March.

Notice that I have also entered a short session (half to one hour) to discuss
about the possibility of developing the Recommendation for  the R-FSH Service
(Return Frame Secondary Header). This topic is becoming of some interest
lately, notably in the area of launchers, and I think we should/could do some
initial brainstorming on that.

Concerning the File Transfer service, it seems that there  will be some
sponsoring of the activity (DLR). Given that the Service is still of
interest, I think this subject deserves a one-to-two hours session to kick it

If you have any other whish  or specific topic that you would like to
introduce in the  agenda, please let me know.
Kind regards,

 (See attached file: d2-CssAreaAgendas-24-Mar-2010_CSTS_Draft.xls)

             "Barkley, Erik J                                                
             <erik.j.barkley at jp                                           To 
             l.nasa.gov>                "Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int"       
                                        <Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int>,      
             24/03/2010 02:15           Takahiro Yamada                      
                                        <tyamada at pub.isas.jaxa.jp>           
                                        "Yves.Doat at esa.int"                  
                                        <Yves.Doat at esa.int>, John Pietras    
                                        <john.pietras at gst.com>, Fred Brosi   
                                        <Fred.Brosi at gst.com>, Lassere        
                                        Francois <francois.lassere at cnes.fr>  
                                        Area calendar for May meetings;      
                                        request for inputs                   

Dear Margherita, Takahiro,

Attached please find the first draft of the CSS Area Calendar for the May
2010 meetings.  May I request that you please provide inputs for each of your
working groups?    Please  see Erin Khan’s email with regard to the schedule
of meetings.   I have also made note of that below for your convenience.
This will be useful for CSS area members that need to attend multiple
meetings and also letting other attendees know the overall CSS schedule of
meetings.  You may note that I have included a proposal for a joint CSTS/SMWG
meeting.  I look forward to discussing  this at the area telecon on Monday.
Inputs before then would be most appreciated.

Best regards,


---WG Meeting Times---

CSA:  Mon PM, Thu AM, Thu PM, Fri AM

CSTS: Mon – Thu: AM, PM; Fri AM

Erik Barkley
Cross Support Services Area Director
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems

erik.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
+1 818.393.4972

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