[Css-csts] FW: CSS AD recommendation for CESG review of 921.1-R-0 (prior to agency review)

Barkley, Erik J (317H) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 22 16:56:04 EDT 2010

CSTS  WG Colleagues,

At the CESG meetings last month a revised procedure for Blue and Magenta track books bound for agency reviews was instituted. By way of quick summary the procedure now calls for an area director to review the candidate book, provide a recommendation for CESG review (if he or she is satisfied with the quality and content of the book); the CESG review subsequently determines whether or not the book will be made available for agency reviews.

To the best of my knowledge, the framework book will be examined by the CESG at its 14 July 2010 teleconference.   For your reference, forwarded below is my recommendation to the CESG Chair for release of the CSTS FW book for CESG review.   Although the outcome of the CESG review is not known at this time, nonetheless, in the event that the book passes CESG review, I would like to suggest that the working group membership be prepared for formal initiation of agency reviews on or shortly after 14 July 2010.

Best regards,


From: Barkley, Erik J (317H)
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 4:19 PM
To: Hooke, Adrian J (9000)
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec
Subject: CSS AD recommendation for CESG review of 921.1-R-0 (prior to agency review)

CESG Chair,

I have reviewed 921.1-R-0, Cross Support Transfer Service -- Specification Framework, and find it to be sufficiently advanced and mature as to merit CESG review in consideration for a subsequent agency review. Some of the salient factors going into my decision include specificity with regard to protocol data units, specificity with regard to protocol behavior in terms of state tables and requirements, and, in general, clear and precise language including clear distinctions between normative and informative sections.

In terms of interesting findings for CESG in general, you may wish to note that the book calls out usage of SANA for recording and registering CSTS object identifiers.

I will state that my brief review of the framework does not include an in-depth "logic" check looking for inconsistencies at a fine level between, for example, parameter definitions and usage in terms of CSS operations, procedures.  This is the first time we have executed our new process.   It would not surprise me if understandings re depth of  area director review prior to CESG review prior to agency reviews differ but my understanding is that the area director is to provide a sufficient check to catch books that have gross errors or are otherwise generally unacceptable for agency review.  With regard to the new process I also have a few questions and have provided some annotations on the attached slide.

The subject document may be retrieved via:

http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/CSS-CSTS/CWE Private/CSTS Framework and Concept/CSTS Specification Framework 0.22 - 921x1r0[working].doc

With regard to our new process this is not 100% along the line of the steps indicated as this document has already undergone Secretariat editing as that was accomplished under the old process.  Nonetheless, I believe we are at the right point to initiate the CESG review. My understanding is that we are to schedule standing monthly CESG teleconferences. I would appreciate knowing when the first one of these teleconferences will be scheduled so that CSTS WG members may begin to prepare/communicate with their agencies as appropriate in terms of likely review start dates, etc.

Best regards,

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