[Css-csts] critical agenda item (test plan agreement)

Ray, Timothy J. (GSFC-5830) timothy.j.ray at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 26 14:51:16 EST 2010

Dear Margherita and other WG members,

May I suggest that we spend some time during our upcoming telecom ensuring that we have agreement on a test plan for inter-operability testing of the Proto-Framework Service?  It can be added as a sub-topic under topic 5.  I submitted a test plan to our CWE area (under CSS-CSTS / CWE-private / CSTS Framework and Concept) back on 02-December-2009.  This test plan includes a sequence of tests to be performed.  Perhaps more importantly, it also specifies the interface that we are agreeing to.  Keep in mind that we are not using the latest version of the Framework specification text, nor the latest version of the Framework ASN.1 definitions, nor is the Proto-Framework Service (including its configuration for our testing) fully specified in any one place (other than this test plan).  This agreed-upon interface will be critical if/when our implementations have inter-operability problems.   Therefore, it is critical that we have agreement on the test plan as soon as possible!

Best regards,
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