[Css-csts] Resolution, CSS-R-2009-11-001, CSTS Framework Agency Review

Barkley, Erik J (317H) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Nov 18 19:21:41 EST 2009

CESG Chair,

The CSS AD has approved the following resolution.

Best regards,


CSS-R-2009-11-001, Resolution concerning release of CCSDS 921.1, Cross Support Transfer Service Specification Framework for Red-1 Agency reviews

The CSS Area,

CONSIDERING that development of CCSDS 921.1, Cross Support Transfer Service Specification Framework is a chartered deliverable and approved project for the Cross Support Transfer Service WG,

and CONSIDERING that the Cross Support Transfer Service WG has produced the draft recommended standard with all due diligence required by CCSDS,

and RECOGNIZING  that the Cross Support Transfer Service WG has reached consensus that the draft recommendation is sufficiently mature for agency reviews,

RESOLVES that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate formal agency reviews for CCSDS 921.1, Cross Support Transfer Service Specification Framework, as a CCSDS Red Book.

[End Resolution]

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