[Css-csts] Prototype Service Extensions

Yves.Doat at esa.int Yves.Doat at esa.int
Thu Aug 20 07:41:46 EDT 2009

Dear Tim,

I looked at your document and was a little confused.
I took the liberty to express it with my words and representation. I updated
your note to detail each interaction (for the START and the TRANSFER-DATA). I
have highlighted in yellow what is not clear to me from the prototype

Considering that you are implementing and in case the note is not clear or
incorrect, we can discuss it on the telephone.

It may be useful to complement this note with the other operations and
possibly the Association Control procedure operations to make sure we all
have the same understanding.

Best regards

(See attached file: Prototype Service Extensions YD.doc)

             "Ray, Timothy J.                                                
             <timothy.j.ray at nas                                           To 
             a.gov>                     "css-csts at mailman.ccsds.org"         
             Sent by:                   <css-csts at mailman.ccsds.org>         
             css-csts-bounces at m                                           cc 
                                        [Css-csts] Prototype Service         
             19/08/2009 22:25           Extensions                           

Dear WG members,

The attached Word document shows my understanding of how extensions will be
used by our Prototype-Framework Service.  Have I got this right?

Tim(See attached file: Prototype Service Extensions.doc)
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