[Css-csts] Intermediate results for "service" terminology for CSTS Procedures Definition Recommendation

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Wed Mar 14 15:30:12 EST 2007

Members of the CSTSWG ---

At the January CSTSWG meeting, I took the action to try to develop a set
of reference model terms appropriate for use in Section 2 of the CSTS
Procedures Definition Specification. The new set of terminology is to
remove the SLE-only orientation of the current material, which was
mainly imported from the front-end material of existing SLE transfer
service specifications. 

The attachment contains a set of terminology that I think is a proper
set for use in the CSTS Procedures Definition Specification. I have also
tried to reflect consideration for how this material will integrate into
the larger High-Level Cross Support Architecture (HLCSA) proposed by
IOAG, although I have not worked extensively on this aspect since the
IOAG model is still in its formative stages. The major effect of trying
to accommodate HLCSA concepts (as they have been so far explained to us)
is to explicitly call out "space link services" as a type of cross
support service, roughly equivalent to transfer services. In our current
Cross Support Reference Model, Part 1:SLE (hereinafter referred to as
the SLE-RM) the space link side is treated as a part of service
production. But the IOAG model calls out these types of services, and it
seems to be common practice in the operations community to think of
these services as being oriented with the links themselves, so
representing this perspective is useful (I believe). How these space
link services are specifically defined (e.g., are they associated with a
carrier, or the same antenna, etc.) is a matter for further definition.
However, for the purposes of CSTS Procedures, I think we can ignore the
specifics of the space link services.

As I said, I believe this to be a "proper" set of terms, but practical
considerations may keep us from using some of them, because of
differences of use and meaning with respect to the Cross Support
Concept, the SLE-SRM, and the SLE Service Management Service
Specification. We (CSSA as a whole) may decide that some of these new
terms are not good in any case and reject them; that they are good, but
should not be used in the CSTS Procedures Defn Specification because
they "rock the boat" with respect to the other CSSA documents; or that
the new terms are good targets to which we will eventually collectively
migrate. I did not want to pre-judge CSTSWG's and CSSA's decisions on
these matters, so I am putting forward all of the terms that I think
apply, and we can discuss the technical and practical aspects of using

I am presenting this list of terms to get feedback from the members of
the WG. I hope that we will have some time in tomorrow's telecon to
discuss whether we think this is going in the proper direction or has
some serious flaws (or both). Once we have arrived at a set of terms
that are acceptable to the CSTSWG (as stated below or with agreed
modifications), I will incorporate them into a draft of Section 2 and
distribute them to the WG.

Please accept my apologies for not providing this top you sooner than
the day before the telecon.

I look forward to talking with you tomorrow.

Best regards,

John Pietras
Global Science & Technology, Inc. (GST)
7855 Walker Drive
Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Direct:   +1-240-542-1155
GST Main: +1-301-474-9696
Fax:      +1-301-474-5970
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