[Css-csts] Updated draft Monitored Data Cross Support Transfer Service (W-0.02) specification

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Mon Jul 30 16:36:14 EDT 2007

Fellow members of the CSTSWG -
I have just uploaded to the CWE an updated version (W-0.02) of the
"Monitored Data Cross Support Transfer Service" White Book. This update:

- Corrects the behavior of the START and GET operations so that if their
invocations contain any monitored parameter names that are unknown to
the provider, a negative result is returned. (The previous version
incorrectly allowed a positive result to be returned.)

- Provides a simple service scenario for using the service to receive
periodically-reported parameter values at two different reporting
cycles, using two instances of the Monitor Cyclic Data Delivery

- Corrects some minor typos in several figures.

- Describes an issue regarding the static vs. dynamic specification (via
Service Management) of the list of parameter names that can be requested
via the START and GET operations.

The document can be found in the file "MonitoredDataCSTS_W-0.02" in the
CWE path:
The CCSDS Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) > Cross Support Services
Area (CSS) > Documents > CSS-CSTS > CWE Private > Future Services using

The URL is:

Best regards,

John Pietras
Global Science & Technology, Inc. (GST)
7855 Walker Drive
Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Direct:   +1-240-542-1155
GST Main: +1-301-474-9696
Fax:      +1-301-474-5970

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