[Css-csts] Updated draft Monitored Data Cross Support Transfer Service specification

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Tue Jul 17 22:52:14 EDT 2007

Fellow member of the CSTSWG - 
I have just uploaded to the CWE an updated version of what was formerly
called the "SLE Transfer Service Monitoring Service Procedure
Specification" Working Note. The latest version has been renamed
"Monitored Data Cross Support Transfer Service" and has been cast as a
White Book, in preparation for its planned eventual promotion to CCSDS
Recommended Standard.

The major content of the White Book is the detailed specification of the
procedures used to compose the service, and in particular the extension
and refinement of the standard CSTS procedures. In the process of
putting together this White Book, I came across a number of issues
regarding ambiguity and inconsistencies among the referenced procedure
specifications as they exist as of mid-July 2007. These I have attempted
to note in comments and issue statements throughout the draft.

 I have attempted to use this draft as a "testbed" for organization and
content that I hope will eventually become part of the CSTS Guidelines.
If you have a chance to read through the document, I hope you look at it
in terms of its organization for defining a CSTS in general as well as
for the definition of the Monitored Data service itself.

There are still many To Be Supplied (TBS) sections throughout the
document, but I believe that there is enough material there to
understand major aspects of the service as I envision it, and to begin
to solicit comments. I intend to continue to add and refine material
over the coming weeks and months, but I have distributed this version in
order to surface issues as soon as possible.

The document can be found in the file "MonitoredDataCSTS_W-0.01 in the
CWE path:
The CCSDS Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) > Cross Support Services
Area (CSS) > Documents > CSS-CSTS > CWE Private > Future Services using

The URL is:

Best regards,

John Pietras
Global Science & Technology, Inc. (GST)
7855 Walker Drive
Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Direct:   +1-240-542-1155
GST Main: +1-301-474-9696
Fax:      +1-301-474-5970

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