[Css-csts] Updated Terms for CSTS Procedures Definition on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Tue Dec 4 17:04:12 EST 2007

Members of the CSTSWG ---
I have just uploaded the document TermsForCSTSProcSpecR2-071204.doc into
the CCSDS Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) > Cross Support Services
Area (CSS) > Documents > CSS-CSTS > CWE Private > technical Notes
folder, which can be found at the URL:


This document is the latest revision to the list of definitions that
were derived from SLE terms to be more applicable to CSTSs. In order to
make the terms and definitions in this document more accessible, the
main body of the document consists of an alphabetically-ordered table
with the terms and their definitions. The supporting analysis and
rationale is included in the annex to the document. 

Best regards,

John Pietras
Global Science & Technology, Inc. (GST)
7855 Walker Drive
Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Direct:   +1-240-542-1155
GST Main: +1-301-474-9696
Fax:      +1-301-474-5970

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