[Css-csts] Response to Action Items 06-0206 & 12-0206

Charles J Ruggier Charles.J.Ruggier at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 30 18:44:59 EDT 2006

Dear CSTS WG Members:

Attached is the response to Action Item 06-0206.

In addition, a revised version of the "SLE Monitoring Service
Procedure Specification"  has been uploaded for review.  This document is 
being submitted
in response to Action Item 12-0206 and can be found at the CCSDS/CWE
CSS-CSTS web site:
<http://public.ccsds.org/sites/cwe/csts/default.aspx>, under  Documents -
SLE Toolkit Procedures folder - CSTS Monitor_Service_Rev2.doc

The document has been revised to reflect the new procedures and in response
to review comments from the CSTS Interim meetings held at ESOC in
February/06.  Other changes have been included for consideration in an
effort to improve the harmonization and overall efficiency of the

Best Regards,

Charles Ruggier
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California

Phone:+1 818 354-1823
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