[Css-csts] RRMDT Version W0.9

Yasunori Iwana iwana.yasunori at jaxa.jp
Fri Aug 19 00:54:34 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I have uploaded to the Directory of RRMDT Version W0.9
in the css-csts CWE homepage(private) the following two files:
RRMDT_Service_W09_SeeChanges.doc (You can see the change

This update is corresponding to the comments to Version W0.8
from David Berry in JPL.
I corrected editorial errors, but remain the technical points
as they are, because the RRMDT White Book is subject to change
in accordance with the GENERIC Service Toolkit White Book which is
still immature.

Yasunori Iwana

David Berry wrote:

> p.1-3, sec 1.5.2 (b):  "instanciation" should be "instantiation"
> p.1-5, sec 1.7.1:  In the sentence "The terminology used in this
> recommendation are...", the word "are" should be "is".  Also, in the same
> section, "Suppot" should be "Support".
> p.2-1, sec 2.3:  "(i.e. orbital measurement data)" should probably be
> "(e.g., orbital measurement data)" since some of the measurement data is
> not associated with orbit measurement (e.g., meteorological data, media
> data).  Also, some of the data is not radiometric either, so I preferred
> the name of the service when it had "tracking" in the name, though I recall
> you had a reason why you changed from "tracking" to "radio-metric".
> p.2-2, sec 2.3, paragraph 2:  The phrase "an GENERIC" occurs a few times,
> but should be "a GENERIC".  I observed this minor error in several places
> in the document.  As a general rule, the article "an" only occurs prior to
> a word that begins with a vowel.
> p.3-2, sec 3.2.3:  In the first sentence, "The offline delivery mode is
> optional for the Real-time Radiometric Data Transfer Service", the words
> "offline" and "Real-time" seem somewhat contradictory.  Is the word
> "Real-time" necessary in the name of the service?  For example, the word
> "real-time" is not present in the command or telemetry SLE services, but
> they both are generally real-time.
> p.3-2, sec 3.3:  The word "behavier" should be "behavior".  This occurs
> twice in the paragraph.
> p.3-7, table 3-5:  "Total Phase Count" has been removed from the Tracking
> Data Message document, at least in the last couple of drafts.  It could
> re-emerge, but at this point I doubt it.  It may be safe to remove this
> from Table 3-5.  Also, I'm wondering about the number of combinations of
> tracking data types that will be allowed.  Conceivably you might need to
> allow up to 10 concatenated instances in the data-type-request or 160
> bits.  How is the number of concatenated data types indicated?  There does
> not appear to be a counter or delimiter in the table.
> p.3-8, sec  "GENERIC service application" should be "GENERIC
> service applications".
> p.3-10, sec  "the value correspondent" should be "the value
> corresponding".
> p.3-12, sec, last sentence:  "data production is dependent on a
> type" should be "data production is dependent on the type"
> p.3-14, sec  how is "number-of-data-delivered" quantified?
> p.3-17, sec  "the detailed configuration parameter" should be
> "the detailed configuration parameters"
> p.3-17, table 3-12:  the word "moduration" should be "modulation" (occurs 3
> times in the table).
> p.3-19, Table 3-14:  for the "Set Doppler Measurement" operation, I wonder
> if it should just enable/disable the *delivery* of the data by the SLE
> provider, rather than disabling the *measurement* by the producer.
> p.3-19, Table 3-14:  this is mostly an FYI, but the Tracking Data Message
> represents all angular measurements in degrees.  I'm not sure what the
> standard of the Ranging Working Group is for the phase modulation.  Since
> these are just examples, I wonder if the "NOTES" below the table are just
> example notes too?
> **********************************************************************
> At 10:49 PM 1/5/2005, you wrote:
> >-------- Original Message --------
> >Subject: GENERIC Service & Real-time Radio-metric Whitebooks
> >Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 13:53:04 +0900
> >From: Yasunori Iwana <iwana.yasunori at jaxa.jp>
> >To: CCSDS Cross Support Services
> ><css at mailman.ccsds.org>,dave.israel at nasa.gov, tim.ray at nasa.gov,
> >jean-claude.rubio at cnes.fr
> >
> >CCSDS/CSSA Colleagues,
> >
> >please find attached files (zipped):
> >'Cross Support Generic Service Part1: Toolkit' Whitebook 0.1and
> >'Part4: Real-time Radio-metric Data Transfer Service' Whitebook 0.8.
> >
> >Now the RRMDT service is one of the GENERIC service applications.
> >The Common Part is described in the 'GENERIC Service Toolkit', and
> >the Application Specific Part is described in the 'RRMDT Service'
> >
> >Toolkit Book has 214 pages.
> >RRMDT Book has 41 pages.
> >
> >Yasunori Iwana

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