[CMC] CMC - SANA Registry Action

繁田 勉 shigeta.tsutomu at jaxa.jp
Tue Oct 9 04:58:17 UTC 2018

Dear Calvin-san and all,

Thank you for the summary table of SANA registries, which is very helpful for us in considering our position.

Regarding the action on this subject, 
JAXA would like to ask for extending the deadline by Oct. 11 so that we can consult this among our members concerned.

On the other hand, is there a e-vote set up? 
Or shall we respond by e-mail?


-----Original Message-----
From: CMC <cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Ramos, Calvin T. (HQ-CG000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2018 12:55 AM
To: 'cmc at mailman.ccsds.org' <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [CMC] CMC - SANA Registry Action

Dear CMC Members,

Since navigating through the SANA website can be challenging, I’ve attached a table with summaries of the approved SANA registries that will hopefully be of value in addressing the action from the last telecon - to determine which items on the list are mission focused technical registries (and which are not).  As a reminder, the action to send in your votes is this Friday, October 5th.  Let me know if you have any questions.



Calvin T. Ramos
CCSDS Secretariat
W: 571.262.6272   M: 571.386.7378
calvin.t.ramos at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com>
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