[CMC] CMC Mid-Term Telecon 1 October 2012

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) mike.kearney at nasa.gov
Fri Aug 3 12:30:17 EDT 2012

CMC members:  I have sent out an Outlook Calendar invitation, but in case some of you don't use Outlook, here is the same information in email format.

Based on the Doodle Poll responses, the best date for most attendees for the CMC mid-term telecon is 1 October 2012.  Telecon/Webex info follows.   The Agenda will be distributed as soon as it is developed.

As in the past, we have set it up for the UTC time of 1200.  This Calendar item should appear in your local time as follows.  Let us know if this is a significant enough problem that you want to propose a shift in the time.

The time of day should appear on this item as:
*   0500 Pasadena
*   0700 Huntsville
*   0800 Montreal, DC
*   0900 Brazil
*   1200 UTC
*   1300 London
*   1400 CET
*   1600 Moscow
*   2000 Beijing
*   2100 Tokyo

Topic: CMC Telecon
Date: Monday, October 1, 2012
Meeting Number: 993 909 667
Meeting Password: 54321go!

To join the audio conference
Dial in your local or toll-free number from the list below.
If problems, dial the USA Local Toll number.
Then type in the passcode:  890-890-890-8 followed by #

Country             Region       Local Toll #               Toll Free #
USA                                   1-517-466-2380         866-803-2146
BRAZIL                                                             0800-7610633
CHINA              CHINA A    86-400-810-4787       10800-712-1673
CHINA              CHINA B    86-400-810-4787       10800-120-1673
FRANCE            PARIS        33-1-76-74-24-97      080-563-6113
GERMANY                          49-69-2222-4877       0800-664-4248
ITALY                                39-02-3601-9627       800-986-384
JAPAN               TOKYO      81-3-5539-5182         00531-12-1915
NETHERLANDS                   31-20-718-8591         0800-020-0407
RUSSIA                              8-10-8002-9793011
UK        LONDON           44-20-3043-2491           0808-238-6021

To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones and other Smartphones too!)
1. Go to https://nasa.webex.com/nasa/j.php?ED=162256012&UID=0&PW=NNDMxNjQxOTI2&RT=MiM3
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: 54321go!
4. Click "Join Now".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

For assistance
1. Go to https://nasa.webex.com/nasa/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

WebEx will automatically setup Meeting Manager for Windows the first time you join a meeting. To save time, you can setup prior to the meeting by clicking this link:

   -=- Mike

Mike Kearney
Lead Technology Manager
Mission Operations Laboratory

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