[CMC] FINAL: Spring *2010* meeting date

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 6 13:20:33 EST 2009

The winner by popular vote for the CCSDS Spring 2010 meeting date 
appears to be the week immediately after SpaceOps 2010 in Huntsville, i.e.,

03 - 07 May: CCSDS technical meetings
10 - 11 May: CESG meeting

NASA will now proceed with the hotel contracting. The chosen location is:


By the way, registration for the upcoming CCSDS Spring 2009 meeting 
in Colorado Springs is now OPEN. More on that later.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Manager: Space Networking Architecture, Technology and Standards
Space Communications and Navigation Office, 7L70
Space Operations Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546-0001
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