[CMC] RE : Information: Draft CCSDS Technical response to IOAG Resolution 12.9.1

Soula Jean-Marc jean-marc.soula at cnes.fr
Sat Apr 25 16:38:25 EDT 2009

Dear you,

I acknowledge receipt of two emails from each of you, on the same subject but also apparently  with the same attachment.
Could you please confirm the attachment is the same in all 4 email or advise which one should be considered ?
Then I will distribute it to IOAG for review.
My idea is to assign an action to IOAG members after this is validated by the CMC (next week), and then make it an agenda item for the upcoming mini-IOAG meeting (mid may).
According to the short notice, I'm not sure a decision may be made then but at list the point is discussed and a due date will be assigned, taking into account next SISG events (mid june ?).
Would that match your expectations ?

Best regards

Jean-Marc Soula
Advisor, GN Operations
18 Avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9 - France
Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 2 74647
Fax.: +33 (0)5 61 2 73135
Email: Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Hooke, Adrian J. (HQ-CG000)[JPL] [mailto:adrian.j.hooke at nasa.gov] 
Envoyé : vendredi 24 avril 2009 06:39
À : Soula Jean-Marc
Cc : Rush, John J. (HQ-CG000); Klaus-juergen.schulz at esa.int; CCSDS Management Council; CCSDS Engineering Steering Group
Objet : Information: Draft CCSDS Technical response to IOAG Resolution 12.9.1

23 April 2009, Colorado Springs, USA                                                         

TO:       IOAG Chair:                    Jean-Marc Soula/CNES
CC:        IOAG-SISG co-chairs:       Klaus-Juergen Schulz/ESA and John Rush/NASA
FROM:    CCSDS-CESG co-chairs:    Nestor Peccia/ESA and Adrian Hooke/NASA

Jean-Marc: in our roles as co-chairs of the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group and as joint CCSDS Technical  Liaisons to the IOAG, we convened a small ad-hoc group of CCSDS technical experts during the CCSDS Spring 2009 meeting in Colorado Springs in order to develop a draft CCSDS technical response to IOAG Resolution R12.9.1.

The consensus technical position of this ad-hoc CCSDS Group is attached. The CCSDS participants who contributed and agreed to this position are as follows: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erik Barkley - NASA/JPL Fred Brosi - NASA GSFC/JPL Scott Burleigh - NASAJPL Gian-Paolo Calzolari - ESA ESOC Matt Cosby - BNSC/QinetiQ Yves Doat - ESA ESOC Bob Durst - NASA/Mitre (telecon) Wolfgang Hell - ESA ESOC Adrian Hooke - NASA HQ Dave Israel - NASA GSFC Greg Kazz - NASA JPL Mike Kearney - NASA MSFC Jane Marquart - NASA  GSFC John Pietras - NASA GSFC/JPL Nestor Peccia - ESA ESOC Martin Pilgram - DLR Keith Scott  - NASA/MITRE Peter Shames - NASA JPL Jason Soloff - NASA/JSC Dai Stanton -  ESA/Keltik Chris Taylor - ESA ESTEC Takahiro Yamada - JAXA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We will present this draft CCSDS position to the CCSDS Management Council next week with a request for their formal concurrence. Meanwhile, we informally transmit this draft technical position to you for your information and consideration.

Best regards,
Nestor Peccia
Adrian Hooke

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