Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Oct 2 09:54:04 EDT 2008

CMC members: the second Inter-Operability Plenary (IOP-2) will be 
held in Geneva on December 9/10. Attendees will nominally be senior 
Agency leaders, such as Bill Gerstenmaier (NASA) and Gael Winters 
(ESA). As presently structured, the agenda does NOT include a report 
from CCSDS.

Does the CMC want to ask for an agenda slot, and if so what material 
should be covered and who should present it? It has been suggested by 
NASA management that I should possibly attend as the CCSDS Technical 
Liaison, but at present all that I would do is to observe and report 
back to CCSDS.

Do we want to play a more pro-active role, and do we want to send 
more delegates? How many of the existing CMC and CESG members are 
planning to attend?

Best regards

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