[CMC] RE: Action from Tsukuba concerning CCSDS -> IOAG communiqué

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 29 11:43:28 EDT 2008

Adrian:  I apologize for letting this slip while working SISG tasks.  We will get this to a CMC poll shortly.  


CMC members:  It is important to give the IOAG as much time as possible to think about this before their meeting, so I propose a fast one-week poll.  Let me know if you think you will need more time.  


   -=- Mike


Mike Kearney





From: Adrian J. Hooke [mailto:adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov] 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:43 AM
To: Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01)
Cc: CCSDS Management Council; CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - ADs
Subject: Re: Action from Tsukuba concerning CCSDS -> IOAG communiqué
Importance: High


At 05:29 PM 7/8/2008, Adrian J. Hooke wrote:

	Circulate IOAG-related draft resolutions to CMC for comment and input prior to releasing CMC poll to approve and transmit to IOAG.
	ACTION: Adrian Hooke to circulate resolutions, collect comments, and transmit final draft resolutions to Secretariat for deployment of approval poll.
	Due Date: 11 July 2008

After thinking some more about the proposed CCSDS communiqué to the IOAG, I propose that it should should be simplified and should focus on two desired outcomes from the IOP:

1. Encouraging the agencies to extend their space communications and navigation infrastructure into space..
2. Establishing a technical working group to coordinate and promote interoperability across this infrastructure..

...  Comments are solicited by COB of Friday, 18 July.

Mike: the revised communiqué is attached, incorporating comments from Jean-Marc and a few minor edits. I leave it to you to determine if this needs to be subject to a final CMC poll prior to transmission to the IOAG. 

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) and
CCSDS Technical Liaison to the IOAG

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