FW: [Secretariat] [CMC] Draft MOU between CCSDS and ECSS

Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int
Wed Jan 16 04:30:05 EST 2008

This MOU is OK with me. You asked for reaction on who should be the PoC 
form CCSDS side: I agree that it should directly report to CESG (e.g. at 
similar level as ECSS TA).
Regards, JFK

"Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01)" <Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov> 
Sent by: cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org
14.01.2008 20:54

"CCSDS Management Council" <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
FW: [Secretariat] [CMC] Draft MOU between CCSDS and ECSS

CMC colleagues:  We have had some delays on the ECSS activity for a number 
of reasons.  I am trying to pick it up and get it moving along again. 
As you know from the activity of last week, the CMC poll to admit ECSS as 
a Liaison organization was extended due to confusion over the announcement 
for the poll.  We expect the poll to be approved on Jan 24th. 
Peter's draft of the MOU was sent out on October 31, and although things 
seemed quiet, NASA has been working with it.  I have attached two versions 
with NASA-proposed changes.  One has the NASA comments MARKED, but because 
of the changes it is difficult to read.  So I have also included a version 
with the NASA comments INCORPORATED, which is easier to read. 
Our critical comments were related to the position that CCSDS still wants 
to put out “tailorable” documents, and we do not want to create special 
products specifically for ECSS coordination.  We believe that the 
coordination with ECSS should be largely met with existing processes. (One 
exception:  We still need a good system for announcing new work items to 
ECSS, SC14 and others).   We have added comments which will hopefully 
explain our proposed changes.   And since all known responses agreed with 
Peter’s question about the CESG being the POC, I removed the red question 
from the draft. 
As I understand our plan forward, we do not intend to need a CMC poll 
before delivering a draft to ECSS.  After ECSS responds that they agree 
with a draft, we will then approve it through a CMC poll. 
Therefore, unless someone responds with some issues, this is the plan 
·         (Within a few days) I will write a short status note to ECSS
·         (Several weeks) CMC settles on a proposed draft to send to ECSS
·         (Feb) We send the plan to ECSS
·         (TBD) ECSS responds and we are “go” to poll
·         (TBD) CMC votes on a poll for the ECSS liaison statement
·         (June) Further issues or coordination can be taken up at the CMC 
meeting in Japan. 
So, please let us know if you have any concerns or suggestions for 
improvement to the draft. 
Many thanks to Peter Allen for getting us started with such a thorough 
draft of the statement. 
   -=- Mike
Mike Kearney
-----Original Message-----
From: secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org 
[mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Allan, PM 
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:40 AM
To: CCSDS Management Council
Subject: [Secretariat] [CMC] Draft MOU between CCSDS and ECSS
Attached is my attempt at writing an MOU between CCSDS and ECSS. I have 
taken the earlier draft MOU and rewritten sections 2, 3 and 4 to reflect 
the discussion we had in Darmstadt.
I am not really sure we need all of section 1, after all, we both know who 
we are, but it was there, so I left it in for now.
There is one point I am unsure about, so I have put a question in red in 
the body of the text.
Comments please.
Dr. Peter M. Allan
Head, Space Data Division
Space Science and Technology Department
Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0QX England
e-mail: p.m.allan at rl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (1235) 445723       fax: +44 (1235) 446667
 <<Draft MOU.doc>> [attachment "Draft CCSDS-ECSS MOU version 2 -NASA 
comments        INCORPORATED.doc" deleted by Jean-Francois 
Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] [attachment "Draft CCSDS-ECSS MOU version 2 -NASA 
comments MARKED.doc" deleted by Jean-Francois Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] 
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