[CMC] Communiqué from IOP-2

Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int
Thu Dec 11 02:53:13 EST 2008

Adrian, for ESA this corresponds to an internally agreed position and we 
should integrate this in our work plan. Regards, JFK

"Adrian J. Hooke" <adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov> 
Sent by: cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org
10.12.2008 19:08

"CCSDS Management Council" <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>, "CCSDS Engineering 
Steering Group - ADs" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>

[CMC] Communiqué from IOP-2

Please find the attached final Communiqué that was issued at this week's 
second Inter-Operability Plenary (IOP-2) meeting in Geneva, which 
concluded today.

Your attention is drawn to the implications of Resolution #5, referencing 
IOAG R12.9.1 which states the following:

    "R 12.9.1  The IOAG requests the CCSDS:
                    to develop as a priority cross support transfer 
service specifications for:
                    a) end-to-end CFDP service and
                    b) end-to-end space packet service.
                    to initiate the transition to an end-to-end networked 
communications architecture by :
                    a)  developing a standard for CCSDS encapsulation 
                    b)  developing the DTN suite as standards
                    c)  developing a recommended practice for the 
deployment of the IP suite.
                    to consolidate existing standards and standards in 
work at a modest resource level, with a priority to the following:
                    a)  space link monitoring cross-support transfer 
service standard 
                    b)  guideline for the interagency routine file 
transfer service (best practices recommendation) 
                    c)  time synchronization services"

Is CCSDS comfortable with accepting these priorities?

Best regards
Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) and
CCSDS Technical Liaison to the IOAG[attachment "FINAL Communique 
12-10-08.doc" deleted by Jean-Francois Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] 
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