[CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report

Eduardo Bergamini e.w.bergamini at uol.com.br
Tue Oct 23 18:03:39 EDT 2007

Dear CMC Colleagues,

I hope that this 3rd. trial message may reach you all, this time, after the fundamental 
support I received from our Secretariat colleagues, Brian Oliver, Erin Kahn and Craig Day. 

Although Jean-François (excuse me for receiving it again, now through the CMC e-list) has 
already confirmed it to me, as the original and main addressee, I wish also to (re-)send  
to you the original text I had addressed him and you twice, in Cc., although unsuccessfully, 
as reproduced in the attachment, below.

Thank you. Best regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eduardo Bergamini 
  To: Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int 
  Cc: Eduardo W. Bergamini 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Re:Re: [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS 
  Mailman SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report

  Dear Jean-François,

  Thank you for your certainly opportune confirmation. Again, I still did not receive my Cc. 
  from the CMC list, after this second trial. If indeed so, after a reasonable time out, I will 
  have to check for it with Erin. Naturally, I also wonder if our other colleagues from the CMC 
  list may have received the message (besides you, in this case, from the list), as well. 
  She had confirmed to me, after my first trial with the same message, that the CMC list 
  mailer had not registered it. Let us see.

  Best regards,

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int 
    To: Eduardo Bergamini 
    Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:58 AM
    Subject: Re:Re: [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman 
    SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report

    Dear Eduardo, 
    Yes I got your earlier message. 
    All the best, JFK 

          "Eduardo Bergamini" <e.w.bergamini at uol.com.br> 
          23.10.2007 14:11 
         To <Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int>  
                cc <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>, "Erin Kahn" <erink at aiaa.org>  
                Subject Re:Re: [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report 



    Dear Jean-François, 
    After Erin's kind verification and advice, I am sending you a second time the 
    attached message. I would appreciate if you can confirm it, although you are also 
    in the CMC list. I received no Cc. from it in my previous trial. Thank you. 
    With my best regards, 

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Eduardo Bergamini 
    To: Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int 
    Cc: cmc at mailman.ccsds.org 
    Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 10:35 AM 
    Subject: Re: [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman 
    SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report 

    Dear Jean-François, 
    I do concur with you.The statistics you referred to is being consistently high for a long 
    time, now. OAIS is certainly a big hit of CCSDS, among others. 
    OAIS is already a Brazilian Standard, ABNT NBR 15472, as of May 2007. The 
    "Producer-Archive Interface Methodology Abstract Standard" (CCSDS 651.0-B-1), a 
    natural off-spring of the OAIS standard, is also being developed as a Brazilian, ABNT 
    The SFDU and XFDU are important, interoperable concepts that are already (fortunately) 
    being practiced in many of our CCSDS agencies, that came to stay, as I understand it. 
    As an active member of the "old" Panel 2, which is now embedded in the MOIMS Area, I 
    do remember the many visits (since 1983 ...) of experienced and certainly competent 
    space agency information management expertees that, for the sake of praising the 
    importance of (then) Panel 2 work, gave us detailed presentations on the high costs they 
    were facing (when possible) for mining, retrieving, structuring and organizing sometimes 
    massive data of many past missions which were being eagerly needed due to the 
    importance of their contents, for the sake of their pending applications in science and 
    other practical fields. The sadest part of their presentations is that they told us of some 
    past, costly missions whose data could not be made useful at all, anymore, due to 
    limitations like: the many descriptors (formats, dictionaries, etc.) of "piles" of data were 
    simple lost, if ever compiled ...; tapes could not be read any more because their 
    compatible drivers were already gone in dusty corners of werehouses, etc. Comparatively, 
    space missions today often generate much higher volumes of data which, due to simple 
    limitations of the pertinent agencies and associates can be digested and analysed only 
    in later dates. A task that can easily take years ... 
    DAI & IPR WG are also, among the others, most important for support to space missions. 
    Among other reasons, for making available products that support the organized and lower 
    cost availability, accessability and structured and interoperable legacy of data, not only in 
    the present, but also in the (very) long run (not an easy task). We should not also forget 
    that some types of data have their value actually increased with time. This is especially 
    true when data is needed for evaluating a world which is in constant change in a global 
    scale, like ours ... 
    Best regards, 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int 
    To: cmc at mailman.ccsds.org 
    Cc: Laura Stafford 
    Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 4:32 AM 
    Subject: Re: [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman SPAMReport, and CCSDS Publication Report 

    Dear All, 
    I recall the discussion we had in the last CMC on the whether or not we shall continue to work on archival standards !? 
    The statistics repeatedly confirm that the OAIS standard is by far the most popular one. Archival issues are an important aspect of cross-support for Space Data Systems. Therefore it truly belongs to the mandate of CCSDS and there is a large customer base. 
    I remember that the CMC disposition was to continue, but I hope that we will not ask this question again and again. 
    Best regards, JFK 

          Laura Stafford <lauras at aiaa.org> 
          Sent by: cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org 
          19.10.2007 22:56 
                To CCSDS Secretariat <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>, cmc at mailman.ccsds.org, cesg-all at mailman.ccsds.org  
                Subject [CMC] September 2007 - CCSDS.org Usage Report, CCSDS Mailman SPAM Report, and CCSDS Publication Report 



    Attached are the following:
    - CCSDS.org Usage Report:
      - Shows the number of unique hits
      - Shows total number of hits
      - Shows total number of publications downloaded
      - Shows top 10 downloaded publications
      - Shows top 10 downloaded publications in "rank view" compared 
        to previous month ranks.

    - CCSDS Mailman SPAM Report
      - Shows the number of messages sent to Mailman
      - Shows the number of messages that were SPAM
      - Shows the number of virus sent to Mailman

    - CCSDS Publications Report
      - Shows all CCSDS publications sorted in descending order by number 
         of downloads.  Also, the previous months metrics are provided for 

    Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks,
    --Laura [attachment "CCSDS Website Usage Report - September 2007.pdf" deleted by Jean-Francois Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] [attachment "CCSDS Mailman Summary SPAM Report - September 2007.pdf" deleted by Jean-Francois Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] [attachment "CCSDS Publications Usage Report - September 2007.pdf" deleted by Jean-Francois Kaufeler/esoc/ESA] _______________________________________________
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