[CMC] IMPORTANT: CCSDS participation in OMG meeting

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 1 11:14:03 EDT 2007


1.  CMC MEMBERS: please notify the Secretariat if you plan to attend 
the CMC meeting in Brussels. You do not need to pay any OMG 
registration fees (unless you are going to the seminar on Thursday 
and are not a speaker).

2.  SECRETARIAT:  please send Kevin Loughry the names of all CCSDS 

3. The Wednesday Space DTF Presentation Session is scheduled for 
1400-1800.  All CCSDS Management Council attendees are invited to 
attend at no charge. You are also invited to the Wednesday evening 
reception at no charge.

4. The one day special event, "Space DTF Seminar: Cooperation in 
Space & Standards", is all day Thursday. CMC members who are not 
speaking should register and pay the one day fee.

Best regards

>>Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:51:19 -0400
>>To: Jon Siegel <siegel at omg.org>
>>From: Kevin Loughry <loughry at omg.org>
>>Subject: Re: Fwd: June Space  DTF Seminar
>>In keeping with our usual policies, Mario and Jean-Francois are 
>>comped, since they are Speakers. (Adrian and any other CCSDS folks 
>>that are speaking are comped too.)
>>They (the speakers) should register at: 
>>http://www.omg.org/registration/registration-brussels.htm .  They 
>>should complete the initial registration page only, noting in 
>>the  'Any Special Requirements' field "N/C-Space DTF Seminar 
>>Speaker". After they complete the page and click 'SUBMIT' thye 
>>should ignore the subsequent payment pages.
>>CCSDS folks are not paying for the 3 days they are on site for the 
>>Management Council Meeting. This includes attending the Wednesday 
>>afternoon Space DTF Presentations session.  My understanding of the 
>>agreement is that we are providing the meeting room for them at 
>>N/C.  They can utilize our refreshment breaks Monday thru Wednesday 
>>at N/C, but are on their own for lunch.  They are invited to the 
>>Wednesday evening reception at N/C.
>>For the Space DTF Seminar, the speakers are comped, but any other 
>>CCSDS Management Council folks attending should register and pay 
>>the meeting fee, i.e., $242.00 USD ($200 Fee +21% VAT).
>>Hope that clarifies the situation.  Feel free to forward this to 
>>Mario et al and/or run it by Adrian to be sure we are on the same page.
>>Also, note that I will need a list of attendees for the CCSDS 
>>Management Council (although I am not sure in I specifically 
>>covered this with Adrian) so that I can:
>>1) be sure any of their overnight rooms count toward our room block 
>>when we do the cross reference check with the hotel, and
>>2) prepare badges for them so they can participate in the 
>>refreshment breaks and Wednesday Reception.
>>Hope this answers your questions.
>>>Kevin Loughry
>>>Director of Event Management,  Object Management Group,
>>>140 Kendrick St., Bldg. A, Suite 300, Needham, MA   02494
>>>Tel.:  +1-781-444-0404, Ext. 144       Fax:   +1-781-444 0320
>>>E-Mail:   loughry at omg.org         URL:    http://www.omg.org

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