[CMC] OMG-CCSDS "cover sheet" agreement for XTCE?

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jan 4 17:37:32 EST 2007

Mario/Nestor: please indicate if this is acceptable to the SM&C Working Group.
CMC Members, Area Directors: this appears to be reasonable. Do any of you 
have concerns?

Best regards


From: "Jamie Nemiah" <nemiah at omg.org>
>To: "Adrian J. Hooke" <adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Nestor Peccia" <nestor.peccia at esa.int>, <Mario.Merri at esa.int>,
>         "Jon Siegel" <siegel at omg.org>
>Subject: RE: OMG-CCSDS "cover sheet" agreement?
>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:45:25 -0500
>I understand that the XTCE RTF report is being voted on now. Once the vote 
>is complete and the spec is approved by the TF, we will produce a clean 
>copy for publication, with our normal introductory language, including our 
>standard copyright language, disclaimers, etc.
>We would be pleased to have CCSDS "encapsulate" and publish that version, 
>as described below. The only requirements are that:
>(1)  the OMG document be reproduced verbatim, and
>(2)  appropriate copyright acknowledgement (as follows) be given to OMG.
>           "______[identify items]_______________. Reprinted with permission.
>           Object Management, Inc. (C) OMG. 2007."
>Please let me know if CCSDS can agree to these terms. If so, I will send 
>you a brief email, granting the necessary permissions.
>Best regards,
>James Nemiah
>Senior Vice President
>General Counsel
>Object Management Group, Inc.
>140 Kendrick Ave
>Building A, Suite 300
>Needham, MA 02494
>Tel: 781-444-0404, ext. 151
>Fax: 781-444-0320
>Email: nemiah at omg.org
>URL: www.omg.org
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adrian J. Hooke [mailto:adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 3:49 PM
>To: Jon Siegel; James Nemiah
>Cc: Adrian J. Hooke; Nestor Peccia; Mario.Merri at esa.int
>Subject: OMG-CCSDS "cover sheet" agreement?
>Importance: High
>Jon and Jamie: I don't remember ever receiving the letter that you 
>referenced below, granting CCSDS the rights to "cover sheet" OMG 
>specifications. With XTCE coming up for joint publication soon, we really 
>need to resolve this.

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