Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri May 13 11:04:41 EDT 2005

Polling is complete (1) and the Area Director for MOIMS is authorized (2) 
to publish the "Mission Operations Services Concept" Green Book, subject to 
consideration of the following comments:
1)  What do the priorities in Table 6-1 mean?  Are these development 
priorities, OS process priorities, media access priorities, or something else?
2)  Section 6 seems to end rather abruptly, and Appendix A.5 picks up with 
Use Cases mapped to the services in Table 6-1.  Sections A.3 and A.4 are 
"TBD," and yet the information in A.5 appears to derive (at least according 
to the process described in Section 5.2) from the analysis whose results 
should be in A.3 and A.4.  Did we skip the "Identification of Consumers' 
Requirements" and "Rationalisation of Requirements" stages?  Why?  If A.3 
and A.4 are not going to be completed, I'd put in a note to that effect and 
remove the "TBD."  But I wonder about the process at this point.
Nestor and Mario: please factor-in these comments and then work with the 
Secretariat to assign the proper identification and complete publication of 
the document.

Best regards
Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)

(1) Poll results: in response to CESG Poll # "MOIMS-R-0504-SMC-001, SM&C 
Green Book April 2005", positive voting approval was received from the 
following Areas:


The SLS Area did not vote and thus approved the document by default.

(2) Review of Green Books: "at such time as the WG has completed its 
development, the WG chair may petition the CESG via the AD to publish the 
final document as "CCSDS Informational Report". Approval will normally be 
subject only to editorial considerations and to verification that there has 
been adequate coordination with the standards process. There is no 
requirement for a formal Agency review prior to publishing a CCSDS 
Informational document."
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