[CESG] Resolution CSS-R-2024-09-001, creation of the CDDS WG
Barkley, Erik J (US 3970)
erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Sep 25 00:09:25 UTC 2024
CCSDS Secretariat, CCSDS Technical Support,
Attached and also listed below, please find a resolution for creation of the Cloud Data Delivery Standards (CDDS) WG. Also attached please find the concept paper for the WG. The draft charter for the CDDS WG can be retrieved via https://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/Charters/css.aspx (CWE login required).
Best regards,
CSS-R-2024-09-001, Resolution for Creation of the CDDS WG (3.08)
The CSS Area,
CONSIDERING that a CSS Area BOF to investigate creation of a new Working Group, Cloud Data Delivery Standards (CDDS), has concluded its work;
and NOTING the BOF developed a concept paper recommending creation of a CDDS WG;
and RECOGNIZING that the concept paper produced by the BOF has been presented and discussed positively with both the CESG and CMC and that a charter for a CDDS WG has been drafted;
RESOLVES that the Cloud Data Delivery Standards WG be created;
and hereby REQUESTS that the Secretariat proceed with all necessary processing and polling for the CDDS WG creation.
[End Resolution]
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