[CESG] CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

CCSDS Secretariat thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Tue Apr 18 21:17:51 UTC 2023

Dear CESG Members,

Conditions for approval of CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2) have been disposed to the satisfaction of the AD(s) who voted to approve with conditions. The Secretariat will now proceed with CMC polling to authorize publication.
-------------- next part --------------
From:	Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Sent:	Tuesday, April 18, 2023 3:08 PM
To:	Thomas Gannett
Cc:	'Ignacio Aguilar Sanchez'; sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org; 'Moury Gilles'; 'Andrea 
Subject:	Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-
G-2, SCCC—Summary of Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Dear Tom, et al,

With the exception of the changes to Figure 2-1 that Andrea requested of you, but that have not yet 
been made, all other changes to this document that I believe were required have been 
made.  Therefore, you have my explicit agreement to proceed.

Best regards, Peter

From: Tom Gannett <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net> 
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 11:22 AM 
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov> 
Cc: Ignacio Sanchez-Aguillar <Ignacio.Aguilar.Sanchez at esa.int>, "sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org" 
<sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org>, Gilles Moury <Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr>, 'Andrea Modenini' 
<Andrea.Modenini at esa.int> 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—
Summary of Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Peter: Since I do not have the referenced correspondence, please indicate by return email whether the 
attached update satisfies your conditions. —Tom

Logothete, L.L.C.
thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
+1 443 472 0805

From: Andrea Modenini [mailto:Andrea.Modenini at esa.int]  
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 3:46 AM 
To: Thomas Gannett 
Cc: Ignacio Aguilar Sanchez; sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org; Moury Gilles 
Subject: FW: CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of 
Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Dear Tom,
I hope this finds you well.

With reference to CESG-P-2023-01-002 comments, please find in attachment the Word file of the SCCC 
Green Book with the agreed changes.
Changes are already done in the text in “track changes-mode”, except for a figure (see comment in the 
Word file) that requires a change of text label from you

I remain at your disposal 


Ph.D. Andrea Modenini 
TT&C Communications Systems Engineer  
TT&C and PDT Systems & Techniques Section (TEC-EST) 
RF Systems Division 
European Space Agency, ESTEC 
Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299 
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands 
andrea.modenini at esa.int | www.esa.int 
T +31 71 56 53439, M +31 6 484 56 527 

From: SLS-CC <sls-cc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Andrea Modenini via SLS-CC 
Sent: 10 March 2023 09:34 
To: sls-cc at mailman.ccsds.org; Lee, Dennis K (US 332G) <dennis.k.lee at jpl.nasa.gov> 
Subject: [SLS-CC] FW: CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of 
Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Dear WG,
In response to the CESG pool (email below), I prepared a new version of 130x11g (docx file) that replies 
to the comments of SEA (pdf file).
SEA did already a preliminary check, and confirmed that changes satisfies the conditions.

Before sending the document to SLS and Secretariat, could you please let me know if you have any 
objection with the changes by Thursday 16th, EOB?
Deadline is short, but changes are really a few.


PS: @Lee, Dennis K (US 332G), being a shared book, I guess we need also RFM consensus

Ph.D. Andrea Modenini
TT&C Communications Systems Engineer 
TT&C and PDT Systems & Techniques Section (TEC-EST)
RF Systems Division
European Space Agency, ESTEC
Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
andrea.modenini at esa.int | www.esa.int
T +31 71 56 53439, M +31 6 484 56 527 

-----Original Message----- 
From: CCSDS Secretariat <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net>  
Sent: 10 February 2023 23:58 
To: Andrea Modenini <Andrea.Modenini at esa.int>; Massimo Bertinelli <Massimo.Bertinelli at esa.int> 
Cc: Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov 
Subject: Re: CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of Definition 
and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Dear Document Rapporteur,

The CESG poll to approve publication of CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of Definition and 
Performance (Green Book, Issue 2) concluded with conditions. Please negotiate disposition of the 
conditions directly with the AD(s) who voted to approve with conditions and CC the Secretariat on all 
related correspondence.

CESG E-Poll Identifier:  CESG-P-2023-01-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 130.11-G-2, SCCC—Summary of 
Definition and Performance (Green Book, Issue 2)

Results of CESG poll beginning 26 January 2023 and ending 9 February 2023:

                 Abstain:  1 (14.29%) (Duhaze)
 Approve Unconditionally:  5 (71.43%) (Barkley, Merri, Cola, Aguilar Sanchez, Wilmot)
 Approve with Conditions:  1 (14.29%) (Shames)
 Disapprove with Comment:  0 (0%)  


     Erik Barkley (Approve Unconditionally):  A minor comment, not a condition -- a suggestion for 
improved presentation re Figure 3-1 and 3-2: Perhaps a subgraph with a different scale could be 
considered – as presented for figure 3-1, all the blue lines are hard to distinguish. The main message is 
apparent but the distinctions among ACM13 - 17 tend to get lost. There is a similar consideration with 
regard to the orange lines in figure 3 – 2.  

     Peter Shames (Approve with Conditions):  This document makes heavy reference to the actual 
standard.  As such it is almost as if the reader needs to read the standard first, and then this 
"description",  I noted a numder of editorial changes for clarification in the body of the text.  They are 
for clarity and do not make any substantive changes to the body of the document.

     Jonathan Wilmot (Approve Unconditionally):  This book does read as though it was a user's guide for 
the standard. This is different than most Green books but I think it is reasonable to do it this way.

Total Respondents:  7

All Areas responded to this question.

PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION:            Generate CMC poll after conditions have been addressed

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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