[CESG] [EXTERNAL] Review of QSCID reassignment process (CMC-A-2019-06-05)

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jul 30 21:44:49 UTC 2019

Thanks Audric.

For the rest of the SSG.  The databases aligned with the new, agreed, QSCID frequency bins that have been fixed in the update to CCSDS 320.0-M-7c. is ready to be populated.   Please review this approach to remedying the SQSCID assignments.   If you identify issues please provide suggested fixes.

Thanks, Peter

From: Space Assigned Numbers Authority <info at sanaregistry.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 1:53 PM
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>, "SANA Steering Group (SSG)" <ssg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Cc: Space Assigned Numbers Authority <info at sanaregistry.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Review of QSCID reassignment process (CMC-A-2019-06-05)

Peter, SSG members,

SANA have been tasked by the CMC to provide the process for reassigning SCID frequency band per the new CCSDS 320.0-M-7 book (action item CMC-A-2019-06-05).

Thus, an algorithm has been developed for this task.
It is based on 2 inputs:
- The spectrum analysis done by JPL;
- For SCID not found by the JPL analysis, the approach to duplicate allocation for SCID in the current + fixed frequency band:

Current           Fixed
S (2-4 GHz)    -> S (2-3 GHz), C (3-6 GHz)
C (4-7 GHz)    -> C (3-6 GHz), X (6-10 GHz)
X (7-12 GHz)   -> X (6-10 GHz), Ku (10-17 GHz)
Ku (12-18 GHz) -> Ku (10-17 GHz), K (17-22 GHz)
K (18-27 GHz)  -> K (17-22 GHz), Ka (22-40.5 GHz)
V (40-75 GHz)  -> V (40.5-75 GHz), Ka (22-40.5 GHz)

We intend to run this script next week, and would like to hear if there are any comments/objections before.

Here is the algorithm:

1. Parse the SCID/Frequency file provided by JPL/Spectrum
   a) For each entry (line):
     1) If there are no frequencies provided, end processing for the entry.
     2) Parse and map the frequency(ies) to frequency band(s).
     3) If the SCID is currently allocated on all frequency bands (no info on initial frequency/FB):
        a) Mark all QSCIDs for deletion, except the ones allocated on provided FBs.
     4) Else, store the list of defined FBs for this QSCID in a "JPL validated" list.

2. Process the list of corrections using the JPL file
   a) For each allocated QSCID:
       1) If the QSCID is not found in the "JPL validated" list, then queue it for the next stage of the algorithm.
       2) Else, for each FB the SCID should be allocated on:
         a) Queue duplication of QSCID to new FB.
         b) Queue deletion of the original QSCID.

3. Update FB allocation for remaining SCIDs
   a) For each FB to move:
     1) For each QSCID queued in step 2a1):
        a) If the QSCID already exist in the destination FB:
           1) Remove the QSCID from the deletion queue if present.
           2) Stop processing on this QSCID.
        b) Else, queue the duplication of the QSCID to the new FB.

4. Process action queues
    a) For each QSCID in the creation queue:
       1) If the QSCID is in the deletion queue, then remove it (from deletion queue) and stop processing.
       2) If the QSCID does not exist in DB:
          a) Create the new QSCID.
          b) Add log trace.
    b) For each QSCID in the deletion queue:
       1) Log the QSCID to be deleted.

Once the process is finished, we will contact each AR for approval of the updates. The email will contain the log traces and the deadline to approve or raise any concern (as discussed during the last SSG meeting back in California).
Once approved or when the deadline has passed, SANA will apply the updates to the SCID registry.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Audric Schiltknecht
Space Assigned Numbers Authority

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