[CESG] Resolution MOIMS-R-2018-09-001: CESG Review of the Technical Note ?Overlap Assessment between OMG C2MS and CCSDS MO?

Mario.Merri at esa.int Mario.Merri at esa.int
Tue Sep 11 10:26:31 UTC 2018

To: CESG Chair, 
Cc: CESG, CCSDS Secretariat (Tom Gannet)

Dear CESG chair, 

The following resolution has been approved by MOIMS AD as the follow-up of 
the last CESG WebEx..

Best regards,



Resolution MOIMS-R-2018-09-001: CESG Review of the Technical Note ?Overlap 
Assessment between OMG C2MS and CCSDS MO? 

CONSIDERING that there is a persistent non-consensus among the agencies 
actively participating to the SM&C WG regarding the overlapping between 
the standards developed by the WG and the C2MS (Satellite Command & 
Control Message Specification) proposal submission to OMG,
CONSIDERING that, upon notification of this issue at the Gaithersburg 
meeting, CESG has agreed that ESA, CNES, and DLR members of the SM&C WG 
should produce an analysis of the overlap, which should be used by the OMG 
Liaison to substantiate the discussion with OMG,
RECOGNIZING that as per the above action Item, the anticipated Technical 
Note describing the overlaps between the CCSDS MO Services and the OMG 
(proposed) C2MS has been duly produced and is now ready for review,
and CONFIRMING that for the time being the Technical Note has been only 
distributed to CESG, CMC (by CESG chair), and SM&C WG
RECOMMENDS that the Secretariat initiate the required CESG poll requesting 
the CESG to review the Technical Note titled ?Overlap Assessment between 

The TN is attached below.

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