[CESG] FW: SANA feedback from CESG and CMC meetings

Shames, Peter M (312B) Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Oct 23 10:40:46 UTC 2018

Dear CESG,

I asked the SANA team about setting up a GIT server and got this answer.  They are clearly willing to provide a GIT server, but are, quite properly, asking what we really want, what we want it to do, and how we want it to be integrated.

I suggest that we setup a small focus group, in the context of the SSG, to try and develop a workable concept along with the SANA operator.  That way we will all get what we want.

If there is agreement I will formulate it as a CESG resolution.  Please let me know.

Thanks, Peter

From: Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca>
Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 3:29 AM
To: Peter Shames <Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: "info at sanaregistry.org" <info at sanaregistry.org>
Subject: Re: SANA feedback from CESG and CMC meetings

No issue to set up a GIT on our side. The issue is not about having a GIT: we already use git internally and pretty easy to do. I think the work is more to integrate it _properly_ into the SANA registration work flow, database, backend. I can setup a git in the next 5 minutes, but that won't do the _right_ thing. Only proper integration will make sense and will be of value to the community.

Again, let me come back from my trip and Julien also and we will discuss together and come to a good solution. Will keep you posted.

if you want, you can relay already to the CMC/CESG/...  that we will provide that capability. Details to be worked out.


Le mar. 23 oct. 2018 à 12:10, Shames, Peter M (312B) <Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov>> a écrit :
Marc, et al,
Just for your info, the issue of the SANA and CCSDS website issues was again discussed in the joint CMC / CESG meeting.  There is increasing support for making the SANA Org & Contact registries the "single source of truth", but this is not yet decided.  There will be further discussions in the CMC, behind closed doors.
Meanwhile there were continued requests for a CM tool of some sort to manage certain kinds of information:
=> Emphasis again on GIT Server for XML schema or other info models (FR), SANA or CWE?
When I asked Julien last week the answer was that there is no such capability provided.  There is no strong feeling that this has to be SANA or CWE, but there is pretty broad support for some sort of CM tool.  The obvious familiar one is the GIT Server.  Is this something that you could easily set up as a way to manage CM and versioning on XML schema and other kinds of information models?  I think we need to make this request of the CWE as well.
What is clear is that the WGs that develop XML schema, and there are several of them now, would value such a service.
Thanks, Peter

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