[CESG] SEA response to conditions raised on ISO Liaison, CESG-P-2017-10-001

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 10 16:20:54 UTC 2018

Dear Margherita,

Here is the SEA presentation discussing the conditions raised on ISO Liaison, CESG-P-2017-10-001 and providing some additional background.  Please recall that the special nature of the relationship between CCSDS (ISO TC20/SC13) and ISO TC20/SC14 is already directly addressed within the CCSDS Organization and Processes document, CCSDS A02.1-Y-4, in Section, CCSDS Liaisons .
I believe that you have time on the CESG agenda to discuss this.
Thanks, Peter

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