[CESG] CCSDS presentation at GSAW
Shames, Peter M (312B)
peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 10 16:56:29 UTC 2017
Ciao Nestor,
I read over the presentation you have prepared and have a few comments, take them for what they are worth.
Overall it seems like it covers the CCSDS territory and does a quite good job of getting across the story of the future challenges for space exploration and of the advantages of interoperable and cross supportable standards. The intent, as I understand it, is to point out that CCSDS does look toward the future and that we have a suite of standards, in place and being developed, that address many of the communications challenges.
The one chart that I found most difficult to understand was pg 5. I just do not understand the graphics nor what they are trying to say. I do get the points about:
Select optimal frequency bands to grant high degree of interoperability
• Moon / Earth, Mars / Earth, Lunar / Mars Proximity forward / return links
Select optimal coding / modulation schemes
And also
Service Management
Optical communication
I'm guessing that this chart is animated and that is a part of delivering the message. I am wondering why the emphasis on "optimal frequency bands" and " optimal coding / modulation" to grant a high degree of interoperability. Surely selection of a suitable link layer that would run over all those links and support high optical comm data rates would also be a part of optimal interoperability. I'd specifically add in USLP since it does meet those criteria. I also note that you have DTN and SM in the list, but not CSS. These standards may be a bit more obscure, but they are a cornerstone in CCSDS and the IOAG for supporting interoperable use of what will continue to be, I am sure, scarce and expensive space comm assets.
Pg 7, is a great motivator for the future and also emphasizes interoperability and cross support. I also see drivers for networking, sensor webs, mobile comm, and it has a couple of lines about multi-agency mission ops and human or robotic exploration. But after all of this emphasis on interoperability, communications, and networking what rather surprised me was seeing MOIMS listed as number 2 in the CCSDS Strategic Plan (pg 8) and that pgs 9 & 10 also are about MOIMS. Based on everything else in these materials I would have expected more emphasis on communications, optical comm, DTN, and cross support (SM & CSTS), not on MOIMS and what is happening in Europe. I think we all know that is your background and apparent interest, but it does not come across as a well balanced set of materials aligned with the focus (CCSDS in the future) nor with the story told in the first 7 pages.
Similarly, SOIS, pg 12, seems out of place ahead of SLS and SIS. I can see not much in the way of motivation for this in any of the preceding materials, but do acknowledge that it is an area of work in CCSDS and that it may yet produce interoperable standards. And speaking of SLS, I would expect to see USLP figure prominently for the future, but it's not shown at all. Pg 11 should probably be entitled SM & CSTS and some emphasis placed on the CSTS services which also appear on this diagram. The whole new set of RD-CSTS, MD-CSTS, SC-CSTS, and FF-CSTS are really important for future interoperability and I think they should be emphasized or at least mentioned.
My own biases are well known, and while I do see System Engineering on pg 8 there is no chart for System Engineering. Given the SEA role in Security (space asset protection must be an important topic for everyone), in D-DOR (essential for precision entry, descent, and landing for human and robotic missions), and also the architecture work, RASDS, leadership in SCCS-ADD and in the current Applications and Support Layer architecture (which is where slide 9 came from) it does seem like a slight to leave SEA out entirely. I've attached a set of diagrams taken from the SCCS-ARD that use RASDS to address end-to-end deployments of a large part of the CCSDS suite of interoperable standards. In addition to the static and multi-path "stack" diagram on the SLS page (pg 13) these show actual future end-to-end deployments (the "plumbing" that will make pg 5 real), and also will allow you to say something about the SEA architecture work.
I would ask you to do the suggested re-ordering and other adjustments, drop slide 10, and insert some sort of SEA representation.
Thanks, Peter
From: CESG <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 11:49 PM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [CESG] CCSDS presentation at GSAW
Dear all,
Please find attached a CCSDS presentation to be given at the next GSAW
Comments welcome (and if you have better pictures it would be great)
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