[CESG] AW: CMC Action Item Status - CMC-A-2015-11-05

osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de
Fri Mar 11 12:50:21 UTC 2016

Dear Brian,
Do you need a answer from us? If yes, no problem from the DLR side
Best Regards

Von: cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] Im Auftrag von Brian Oliver
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. März 2016 18:26
An: CCSDS Management Council (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org) (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org)
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec
Betreff: [CMC] CMC Action Item Status - CMC-A-2015-11-05


I would like to request and extension of the following CMC Action with a Due Date of April 2016 to coincide with the CMC Meetings in Brazil.  After providing and explanation of the calucaltions, it appears that the implementation of the “Draft” project feature last year is causing miscalculations to existing CCSDS Projects.  We will have to reengineer the process, so that the calculations are being implemented properly.


Brian Oliver
CCSDS IT Tech Support


DLR/Martin Pilgram requested the Secretariat to explain "on schedule/behind schedule" of the Project Status in the Management Framework and how they are calculated.

Action: Secretariat (IT Support Team)
Due Date: 31 December 2015
Status: Open

Orignal Completion Dates
- Are the initial dates that the Working Group chair provides when they create a project.  Once the project is “approved” by the CMC these dates can not be changed.  These dates have no impact of the "project status” nor "project phase".  They are used as a baseline for reporting the "project change reports" for the CMC, and they provide a baseline for the working groups chair and CMC for initial project approval.

Estimated Completion Dates
- Initially these are copied from the Original Completion Dates.  The Working Group chair can change these dates has needed.  They are used to calculate both the "project status” and "project phase”.

Actual Completion Dates
- Once the task item is completed, then Working Group chair will input the “real completion date” in this column.  The online system will then calculate the "project status” and "project phase” using the next task item that is open.

- Prior to the Spring 2015 CMC meetings there were no “draft” status implemented in the online project system.  When a project is in “draft” status, the working group chair can edit the Original Completion Dates.  Many of the older projects that were already “Approved” have “Original Completion Dates” that appear much farther off then projects that have been approved since the “draft” status implantation.
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