[CESG] New draft of "CESG report to CMC"template

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Tue Jul 5 13:20:53 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Please find attached the next template iteration. I have highlighted the 
changes in magenta color. I have tried to incorporate all comments, adding 
also my views.

Some clarifications:

AD/DAD will receive a WG / SANA / SIG / BOF  report, which will in general 
contain several charts. The assumption is that each WG Chair will be asked 
to summarise its WG findings in 2 charts (1 chart for BOF / SIG )  as 
described in chart # 5 of the template.AD / DAD can then copy / paste in 
Charts 6 to 11 are Area dedicated info, as follows
Chart 6 is composed with the tables given by each WG. It is simpler to add 
1 Table after the other, than create one Table. OPEN FOR DISCUSSION
Chart 7 shall only exist for approved Projects with missing proto 2 
resources (i.e. MOIMS and SIS). Once this issue is solved for all these 
Projects, the chart will disappear.
Chart 8 is only for Draft projects to be submitted in the next 6 months 
for CMC approval NOT FOR ALL DRAFT PROJECTS (otherwise will be too long 
and useless for currently 64 ones)
Chart 9 is Resolution Summary
Chart 10 is Issues Summary
Chart 11 is Area Executive Summary. CESG Chair is using this chart to 
derive the CESG presentation to IOAG.IT IS A MUST TO HAVE IT 

Please let me have your views.asap

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