[CESG] Updates needed in the CWE CCSDS Technical Organization

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Feb 22 13:02:25 UTC 2016

Dear both,

There are several changes made in the last months that need to be inserted 
in the current CWE CCSDS Technical Organization

I would appreciate if you can implement them (see below) prior to the next 
Technical Meeting at Cleveland

SEA SEC WG              Add new Deputy Chair    Daniel Fischer  ESA
SEA Sys Arch            Not anymore a BoF. 
Set it as WG.
New WG Chair            Peter Shames            NASA/JPL

MOIMS DAI WG    Add New Chair           David Giaretta          UKSA
                        No deputy Chair
MOIMS SM&C WG   Add new Deputy Chair    Sam Cooper              ESA
MOIMS P&S WG    Chair is confirmed. Delete word "acting"
Deputy Chair is confirmed. Delete word "acting"

SOIS sub-NW WG  New WG
Set it as WG
New WG Chair            G. Rakow                NASA   (once poll is 
New WG Deputy Chair     M. Rovatti              ESA  (once poll is closed)

SLS C&S         New WG Deputy Chair     K. Andrews              NASA/JPL

SIS DTN         New WG Deputy Chair     K. Suzuki               Jaxa

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