[CESG] SEA Resolutions for D-DOR standards

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 15 18:15:23 UTC 2016

Dear Secretariat,

Attached please find two SEA resolutions for Delta-DOR standards:

  1.  A resolution to send the second revision of the Delta-DOR Operations, CCSDS 506.0-M-2, out for CESG and then agency review
  2.  A resolution to review and publish the new CCSDS Quasar Catalogue Update Procedure

Thanks, Peter


SEA-R-2016-02-001  Request to send the Delta-Differential One Way Ranging (Delta-DOR) Operations, CCSDS 506.0-M-2, to CESG and then agency review

The System Engineering Area,


The D-DOR WG has has updated their existing Magenta Book document, the Delta-DOR Operations Procedure, CCSDS 506.0-M-2, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this document and requested changes that have been made, and that
The SEA AD approves this document for review and publication, and that
This document is now ready for review (following Tech Editor “massaging").


The CCSDS Policy for publishing a revised Recommended Practice document requires the AD to request approval from the CESG and CMC (Sec B1.3 and B2.4) prior to agency review;

RESOLVES to request:

That the Secretariat create the necessary poll for the CESG to approve this D-DOR WG document.


SEA-R-2016-02-002  Request to send the draft Delta-DOR Quasar Catalogue Update Procedure, CCSDS nnn.mm-M-0.1, to CESG and then agency review

The System Engineering Area,


The D-DOR WG has has created their new draft Magenta Book document, the Delta-DOR Quasar Catalogue Update Procedure, CCSDS number not yet assigned, and that
The the SEA AD has reviewed this document and requested edits that have been made, and that
The SEA AD approves this document for review and publication, and that
This document is now ready for Tech Editor processing and review.


The CCSDS Policy for publishing a new Recommended Practice document requires the AD to request approval from the CESG and CMC (Sec B1.3 and B2.4) prior to agency review;

RESOLVES to request:

That the CCSDS Tech Editor process this document to ready it for review, and that
The Secretariat create the necessary poll for the CESG to approve this D-DOR WG document.

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