[CESG] News from CMC" Part 1

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Wed Apr 27 15:47:24 UTC 2016

Dear all

Some news from the CMC meeting:

Prototype 2 missing resources
CMC has completed his action on missing resources, Conclusion is as 
CMC polls are on-going to grant resources for SM&C Projects (MAL Binding 
to TCP/IP, CNES = 1 mm and MAL Binding to ZeroMQ, ESA = 1 mm)
Two additional resources have been found for NAV ADM 5 year review (ESA 
proto 2 resources granted) and DTN BSP (DLR proto 2 resources granted). 
CMC approved unanimously both Projects. WG Chairs (i.e. Keith for DTN and 
David for NAV) to include the related resources in the CWE Project. @ 
Mario / Brigitte: Please contact David Berry
We are still missing 5 proto 2 resources excluding TEL BB, for which the 
CMC assumes that the WG will be disbanded soon.
SM&C MAL XML encoding
SM&C Data Product Distribution Services
As the CMC does not intend to deploy resources for these Projects in the 
near future, WGs are asked to review their work plan and assess if it 
makes sense to cancel the Project. I have mentioned that for the XML 
encoding we are awaiting the closure of an action placed upon JPL on the 
bilateral shadow projects.
@ Mario / Brigitte: Please contact David Berry / Franck Dreger and Dan 
Smith / Sam Cooper
New Projects to be submitted for approval before mid October 2016
I was asked yesterday by the CMC to produce a list of the Draft Projects 
that will be submitted for approval (and granting of resources in the 
period 2016/2017/2018) in the next 6 months. I have produced a draft list 
(and sorry if I have made some mistakes but there was no time for 
requesting your feedback)

The CMC compared this list with its priorities and gave in real time its 
agreement (or its lack of) to deploy resources when the related polls are 
issued. ESA was not in a position to grant resources for the years 
@ all ADs/DADs: Please let me know if I have omitted any Project to be 
submitted for CMC approval before mid October 2016
The chart has been added to the presentation " ...extra agenda items..." 
and is uploaded in the CWE

New action placed upon the CESG (ADs/DADs)
CMC requests that the following is included in every Area future 
presentation to the CMC
Area Document Summary (as SIS did in its last presentation)
List of Projects to be submitted for approval (and granting of resources) 
in the next 6 months
I will include both items when proposing a new template for the CESG 
Presentation to the CMC
Technical Meeting Duration
There was a length discussion about technical meeting duration wiyhout any 
conclusion. I, as CESG Chair, have proposed to take the ASI meeting as 
pilot to have a maximum of 12 meeting rooms per day in order to optimise 
the room utilisation on Monday and Friday. CESG Chair (together with the 
Secretariat) will help in solving the coflicts and overlaps.
Lunar / Mars Exploration standards
Although IOAG has agreed (after a CCSDS request) to look at the future 
Lunar / Mars Missions to discover potential gaps or missing standards, 
every AD/DAD/WG Chairs are invited to discuss the issue during next webex 
or technical meetings, @ ADs/DADs : Please pass the message to your WG 

Part 2 will be sent tomorrow

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