[CESG] Possibility to include other prototypes in the Projects?

Barton, Richard J. (JSC-EV811) richard.j.barton at nasa.gov
Wed Apr 27 14:46:31 UTC 2016

Adding a spot for 3rd prototypes to accommodate WG’s that are lucky enough to have that many agencies willing to do prototype testing sounds good to me. Advertising the fact that there is that much interest in the standard would make a stronger case for approval I would think.


Richard J. Barton, Ph.D.
Wireless and Communication Systems Branch
NASA Johnson Space Center
2101 NASA Parkway
Mail Code EV811
Houston, TX 77058
281-483-1444 (office)
281-483-5830 (fax)
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Subject: [CESG] Possibility to include other prototypes in the Projects?


I have received 1 or 2 requests if it is possible and simpler to add an additional field in the Projects on top of prototype 1 and 2.

Some Projects have currently 3 prototypes, and the Agency providing the 3rd prototype would like to see this in the resources

I would like to get your views


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