[CESG] Revised updates to CCSDS Org & Proc doc, A02.1-Y-4c1
Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int
Mon Sep 28 12:52:41 UTC 2015
there is nothing as an SLS ?marching army?: I am a pacifist as all
SLSers :o) ,
I confess that I must ask all CESGers to confirm which of the following
two statements is true for a BOF:
1) a BOF meets, finds that there is good work to be done but, despite (at
least) two agencies support that work, there are no resources ==> The Area
ask to CMC to appoint a WG and give the resources.
2) a BOF meets, finds that there is good work to be done, (at least) two
agencies support that work and provide resources ==> The Area ask to CMC
to appoint a WG and possibly give additional resources.
Whatever of the two statements above is true (despite we need to know
which one is correct for operating correctly) my very last intention is to
undervalue the resources issue and therefore my point is not mixing/hiding
it in a bullet speaking about charter and chairs. ===> include a
dedicated bullet (this could be among AD Responsibilities - where the word
resource is never present - unless the resource statements for CESG are
considered sufficient).
Moreover, because of this very high dignity and to "to remind the CMC that
one of their responsibilities is to support the work with resources", some
text could be added to section " CMC Responsibilities " e.g. under
bullet d where it could be highlighted by some additional text to the CMC
responsibility for new WGs.
Note that something already exists in item d of " CMC Functions ".
Fine with me the other magenta changes.
From: "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To: "Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int" <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>,
"CCSDS CESG --" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>,
Date: 25/09/2015 20:31
Subject: Re: [CESG] Revised updates to CCSDS Org & Proc doc,
Sent by: cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org
Hi Gippo,
Thanks for the feedback.
In the discussion yesterday we explicitly added the text to have the AD
ask the CMC for both WG chair candiates and for resources. I think it is
completely appropriate to add that text into sec Unlike SLS,
which tends to have a ?marching army? from which you can, and do, just use
existing resources to create new BoFs, some other areas do not have these
existing resources. These other ?resource poor? areas have to go hat in
hand to the agencies to seek resources. You could say that it is cruel
to remind them of this, but it is the case. Anything we can do to remind
the CMC that one of their responsibilities is to support the work with
resources is probably an opportunity to be taken.
Other comments are placed in-line, below. The resulting revisions to text
follows here, with the latest changes based on your inputs marked in
Regards, Peter
========================================================================== CMC Responsibilities (pg 2-5)
g) providing the overall administration of the organization, including
nominating and appointing CCSDS leadership (CESG & AD), and the very
important function of the Secretariat; CESG Responsibilities (pg 2-11)
n) approving WG Chairs and Deputy Chairs;
NOTE ? For fairness and to help achieve agency balance the AD proposing
the Chair is to ask the CMC and the member agencies for nominees for new
WG Chair or Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG.
NOTE ? BOF and SIG chairs are not subject to CESG approval. Area Director Responsibilities
c) making recommendations to the CESG concerning approval for the
chartering and formation of WGs and nominating WG chairs; requesting
nominations of qualified WG chair candidates and contributors from the CMC
prior to polling the CESG for WG approval; replacing WG chairs who are no
longer able to serve; Working Group Chairs (pg 2-16)
Working Group chairs are nominated by an Area Director and approved by the
CESG. Candidates for selection as WG chairs must be recognized as a
leading technical expert in the field covered by that WG. Candidates may
come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be
employees of space agencies. For fairness and to help achieve agency
balance the AD is required to ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or
Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG. If a Working
Group chair can no longer serve the AD must follow the same process in
identifying a replacement. As a general principle, to avoid conflicts of
scheduling or interest, a single person may only be the Chair or Deputy of
one WG at a time.
2.3.4 BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER GROUPS (pg 2-18, last paragraph)
At such time as a BOF feels that it has enough agreement to propose
formation of a WG, it must schedule a meeting with an AD to present its
case. The BoF should have prepared the following materials, using the
on-line chartering system (see Sec 5.5):
a draft charter (see Sec 5.5.1)
a candidate chair (if identified by the BOF),
at least one project definition (see Sec 5.5.2),
a resource profile for each project identifying expected efforts and
contributing agencies, and
a CCSDS concept paper (see 6.1.3) outlining its technical scope.
The AD makes the initial determination as to whether to advocate the work
further, to recommend more BOF work on the charter, concept paper,
projects, and resource profile, or to reject the proposal. If the AD
recommends acceptance of the proposal, the AD must then ask the CMC for
nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy and for adequate resources to support
the work. Once a proposed WG chair (and possibly deputy Chair) have been
identified the AD must forward the draft charter, project definition, and
resource profile, accompanied by a CCSDS concept paper (see 6.1.3)
outlining its technical scope, is forwarded to the CESG for a decision. If
the AD rejects the proposal, the BOF can appeal to the CESG chairman for a
wider hearing, or it can simply dissolve. BOFs initiated from inside the
CCSDS organization have a lifetime of no more than one year.
Added ? If a BOF has to modify and resubmit the charter and supporting
materials to meet any changes as a result of CESG review, the concept
paper shall be updated as necessary and resubmitted as well.
From: <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of Gian Paolo Calzolari <
Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 7:57 AM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: Re: [CESG] Revised updates to CCSDS Org & Proc doc, A02.1-Y-4c1
here is a couple of comments.
I would remove "and contributors" from the proposed change to
Area Director Responsibilities - item c)
The request of contributions is made in the BOF (otherwise there would be
no recommendation to go for WG) and nthing prevent an Agency from adding
Recommend leaving this in, as discussed.
Strange enough the list of "Area Director Responsibilities" seems to miss
what is stated under first line.
I suggest completing " Area Director Responsibilities - item c)"
to state somehow that - after candidates are proposed - the AD nominates
the Chair(s) asking CESG approval.
Added text ?nominating WG chairs?
The proposed change to section 2.3.4 does not reflect that we agreed that
a BOF is expected to ask agency representatives for initial chair
candidates to be reported to the AD within the concept paper (or within
the resource profile?) together with draft charter, draft project(s),
The added text (ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy and
for adequate resources to support the work. Once a proposed WG chair (and
possibly deputy Chair) have been identified) does just what we discussed.
We did not discuss any changes that involved sending the concept paper,
the resource profile, charter, etc to the CMC prior to CESG poll. I do
think that the AD request to the CMC for resources probably needs to
include at least a brief project descriptions, but thought that was so
obvious as to not need stating.
Do you think we need to be more formal about how we describe the process
for making this request to the CMC?
Moreover it looks as the AD can only "recommend more BOF work on the
charter and resource profile" and not on other items of the list following
a few lines below.
A possible rewording could something like this (better wording welcome
At such time as a BOF feels that it has enough agreement to propose
formation of a WG, it must schedule a meeting with an AD to present its
case providing a BOF Package including:
- a draft charter including candidate chairs (if identified by the BOF),
- at least one project definition (see,
- a resource profile for each project identifying expected efforts and
contributing agencies, and
- a CCSDS concept paper (see 6.1.3) outlining its technical scope.
The AD makes the initial determination as to whether to advocate the work
further, to recommend more BOF work on the BOF Package, or to reject the
proposal. If the AD recommends acceptance of the proposal, the AD must
then ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy and for adequate
resources to support the work. Once a proposed WG chair (and possibly
deputy Chair) have been identified the AD must forward the BOF Package to
the CESG for a decision. If the AD rejects the proposal, the BOF can
appeal to the CESG chairman for a wider hearing, or it can simply
dissolve. BOFs initiated from inside the CCSDS organization have a
lifetime of no more than one year.
I invented the term BOF Package to make clear what I mean, but better
wording is surely possible and welcome.
Agreed. See proposed changes, above.
BTW for this clause If a BOF has to modify and resubmit its charter to meet any
changes as a result of CESG review, the concept paper shall be updated as
necessary and resubmitted as well.
I think that "its charter" is wrong as it is the charter of the proposed
WG and not the BOF charter.
I wish you all a nice week end.
From: "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To: "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec" <
cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>,
Date: 25/09/2015 01:45
Subject: [CESG] Revised updates to CCSDS Org & Proc doc,
Sent by: cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org
Dear CESG colleagues,
During today?s CESG telecon we discussed one set of proposed changes to
the CCSDS Organization and Procedures Yellow Book (CCSDS A02.1-Y-4)
addressing soliciting WG chair nominations from agencies. We did not
address at all the conflict of scheduling or interest issues that have
also been raised in recent discussions.
Please see the following proposed changes to the document. This set
covers only the specific topic we discussed today. Proposed changes from
the existing text are indicated in red. The proposed change to deal with
other topics are in green.
Best regards, Peter
========================================================================== CMC Responsibilities (pg 2-5)
g) providing the overall administration of the organization, including
nominating and appointing CCSDS leadership (CESG & AD), and the very
important function of the Secretariat; CESG Responsibilities (pg 2-11)
n) approving WG Chairs and Deputy Chairs;
NOTE ? For fairness and to help achieve agency balance the AD proposing
the Chair is to ask the CMC and the member agencies for nominees for new
WG Chair or Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG.
NOTE ? BOF and SIG chairs are not subject to CESG approval. Area Director Responsibilities
c) making recommendations to the CESG concerning approval for the
chartering and formation of WGs; requesting nominations of qualified WG
chair candidates and contributors from the CMC prior to polling the CESG
for WG approval; replacing WG chairs who are no longer able to serve; Working Group Chairs (pg 2-16)
Working Group chairs are nominated by an Area Director and approved by the
CESG. Candidates for selection as WG chairs must be recognized as a
leading technical expert in the field covered by that WG. Candidates may
come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be
employees of space agencies. For fairness and to help achieve agency
balance the AD is required to ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or
Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG. If a Working
Group chair can no longer serve the AD must follow the same process in
identifying a replacement. As a general principle, to avoid conflicts of
scheduling or interest, a single person may only be the Chair or Deputy of
one WG at a time.
2.3.4 BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER GROUPS (pg 2-18, last paragraph)
At such time as a BOF feels that it has enough agreement to propose
formation of a WG, it must schedule a meeting with an AD to present its
case. The AD makes the initial determination as to whether to advocate the
work further, to recommend more BOF work on the charter and resource
profile, or to reject the proposal. If the AD recommends acceptance of the
proposal, the AD must then ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or
Deputy and for adequate resources to support the work. Once a proposed WG
chair (and possibly deputy Chair) have been identified the AD must forward
the draft charter, project definition, and resource profile, accompanied
by a CCSDS concept paper (see 6.1.3) outlining its technical scope, is
forwarded to the CESG for a decision. If the AD rejects the proposal, the
BOF can appeal to the CESG chairman for a wider hearing, or it can simply
dissolve. BOFs initiated from inside the CCSDS organization have a
lifetime of no more than one year.
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