[CESG] Revised updates to CCSDS Org & Proc doc, A02.1-Y-4c1

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 24 23:45:08 UTC 2015

Dear CESG colleagues,

During today’s CESG telecon we discussed one set of proposed changes to the CCSDS Organization and Procedures Yellow Book (CCSDS A02.1-Y-4) addressing soliciting WG chair nominations from agencies.  We did not address at all the conflict of scheduling or interest issues that have also been raised in recent discussions.

Please see the following proposed changes to the document.  This set covers only the specific topic we discussed today.   Proposed changes from the existing text are indicated in red.  The proposed change to deal with other topics are in green.

Best regards, Peter

========================================================================== CMC Responsibilities (pg 2-5)

  1.  g)  providing the overall administration of the organization, including nominating and appointing CCSDS leadership (CESG & AD), and the very important function of the Secretariat; CESG Responsibilities (pg 2-11)

  1.  n)  approving WG Chairs and Deputy Chairs;

NOTE – For fairness and to help achieve agency balance the AD proposing the Chair is to ask the CMC and the member agencies for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG.

NOTE – BOF and SIG chairs are not subject to CESG approval. Area Director Responsibilities

c)  making recommendations to the CESG concerning approval for the chartering and formation of WGs;  requesting nominations of qualified WG chair candidates and contributors from the CMC prior to polling the CESG for WG approval;  replacing WG chairs who are no longer able to serve; Working Group Chairs  (pg 2-16)

Working Group chairs are nominated by an Area Director and approved by the CESG. Candidates for selection as WG chairs must be recognized as a leading technical expert in the field covered by that WG. Candidates may come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be employees of space agencies.   For fairness and to help achieve agency balance the AD is required to ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy prior to requesting the CESG ballot for the WG.   If a Working Group chair can no longer serve the AD must follow the same process in identifying a replacement.  As a general principle, to avoid conflicts of scheduling or interest, a single person may only be the Chair or Deputy of one WG at a time.

2.3.4 BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER GROUPS  (pg 2-18, last paragraph)


At such time as a BOF feels that it has enough agreement to propose formation of a WG, it must schedule a meeting with an AD to present its case. The AD makes the initial determination as to whether to advocate the work further, to recommend more BOF work on the charter and resource profile, or to reject the proposal. If the AD recommends acceptance of the proposal, the AD must then ask the CMC for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy and for adequate resources to support the work.  Once a proposed WG chair (and possibly deputy Chair) have been identified the AD must forward the draft charter, project definition, and resource profile, accompanied by a CCSDS concept paper (see 6.1.3) outlining its technical scope, is forwarded to the CESG for a decision. If the AD rejects the proposal, the BOF can appeal to the CESG chairman for a wider hearing, or it can simply dissolve. BOFs initiated from inside the CCSDS organization have a lifetime of no more than one year.

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