[CESG] Proposed changes to the CCSDS Yellow Book

Barton, Richard J. (JSC-EV811) richard.j.barton at nasa.gov
Mon Sep 21 22:20:02 UTC 2015


How about some guidance on not having both a WG Chair and Deputy Chair from the same agency? Seems like that would be helpful.

Other than that, the proposed changes look good to me.


Richard J. Barton, Ph.D.
Wireless and Communication Systems Branch
NASA Johnson Space Center
2101 NASA Parkway
Mail Code EV811
Houston, TX 77058
281-483-1444 (office)
281-483-5830 (fax)
713-818-4076 (cell)

From: <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>> on behalf of "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 2:49 PM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [CESG] Proposed changes to the CCSDS Yellow Book

Dear CESG colleagues,

I think you are all aware, by now, of the issues that have been raised by the current limited guidance in the CCSDS Procedures relating to WG chair nominations and selection.  This was surfaced by a recent proposal to have the same person nominated for both a WG chair position and a WG deputy chair position in another WG, and by limited agency diversity in the proposed WG leadership.   We have occasionally had this dual role situation in the past, but these have been WGs that do not meet for a full 4-5 days, so this has not been an issue.

We do not have any guidance in the CCSDS Organization and Procedures Yellow Book (CCSDS A02.1-Y-4) addressing such potential conflicts, nor do we have any guidance about soliciting WG chair nominations from agencies.

I have been asked by the CMC Chair to draft some changes to the existing YB language.   Please see the following proposed changes which I would like to ask that we put on the agenda for discussion at the upcoming CESG meeting.  These cover these specific topics and also clarify some other related items.  Proposed changes are indicated in red.

Best regards, Peter

========================================================================== CMC Responsibilities (pg 2-5)

  1.  g)  providing the overall administration of the organization, including nominating and appointing CCSDS leadership (CESG & AD), and the very important function of the Secretariat; CESG Responsibilities (pg 2-11)

  1.  n)  approving WG Chairs and Deputy Chairs;

NOTE – To help achieve agency balance the AD proposing the Chair is strongly encouraged to ask the CMC and the member agencies for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy.

NOTE – BOF and SIG chairs are not subject to CESG approval. Working Group Chairs  (pg 2-16)

Working Group chairs are nominated by an Area Director and approved by the CESG. Candidates for selection as WG chairs must be recognized as a leading technical expert in the field covered by that WG. Candidates may come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be employees of space agencies.   To help achieve agency balance the AD is strongly encouraged to ask the CMC and CESG for nominees for new WG Chair or Deputy.  A WG may also have a Deputy Chair, but this is not required.   As a general principle, to avoid conflicts of interest or scheduling, a single person may only be the Chair or Deputy of one WG at a time.

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