[CESG] Draft notes of CESG webex on 21st Oct 2015

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Wed Oct 21 16:25:41 UTC 2015

Dear all,
Please find attached the draft notes taken during the CESG webex held on 
21st October 2015. I would appreciate if you can send me the comments by 
23rd Oct 2015 12 am (CET), such that I can issue the notes before 
departing for holidays


Document queue status
CCSDS 902.1-B-0, Simple Schedule Format Specification (Draft Blue Book)   
CESG Ballot ? EB to deliver a url
CCSDS 120.2-G-0, Lossless Multispectral & Hyperspectral Image Compression 
(Draft Green Book)      Ready for CESG poll
CCSDS 313.1-Y-0, CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (Draft Yellow Book) 
                CESG Ballot ? Doc to be updated
CCSDS 350.1-G-1.1, Security Threats against Space Missions (Draft Green 
Book)                   CESG Ballot ? SEA to issue resolution 
CCSDS 500.2-G-0, Navigation Data Messages Overview (Draft Green Book)  
Ready for CESG poll 
CCSDS 727.0-B-4.1, CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) (Draft Blue Book) 
Interoperability Testing        Test still to be done and YB to be issued
EDS MB CMC poll to be issued including the project change from BB to MB   
Ready for CMC poll

Polls with conditions not yet resolved ?
The polls with outstanding conditions are:
NAV PRM RB David Berry has just issued responses to CESG conditions. Peter 
and Erik to give the go ahead
Creation of the SEA Architecture WG. Conditions responded by Peter on 20th 
Oct 2015. 
Nomination of MOIMS PS WG Chairs. Poll failed

Project Resource Table
12 Prototype 2 resources are missing 
1 DAI (2016) but DEDSL probably will be OB
4 NAV (2017) 
4 SM&C (2016/2017)
1 TEL (2016)
1 SDLS (2017)    Secretariat was asked to update the resource table 
including ESA / CNES to implement prototype 1 and 2
1 DTN (2018) Bundle Security Protocol

CWE Projects behind schedule
MOIMS NAV       1 Project
MOIMS SM&C      3 Projects
CSS CSTS WG     1 Project
SOIS APP WG     1 Project
SOIS WIR WG     1 Project
SIS Voice WG    1 Project

On-line Strategic Plan, charters, Projects : CMC Review
CMC is reviewing it. A consolidate set of comments is expected by 30th Oct 

Interpretation of different polls on MOIMS PS WG polls
After the saga on the creation of the PS WG and considering the closed 
CESG / CMC polls and the conditions set by CESG and CMC, the CESG 
interpretation (confirmed by various CMC members) of the situation is as 
follows :
the creation of the WG has been approved. CESG conditions on the focus has 
been solved. 
only the GB Project has been approved 
the BB Project will be left as Draft Project, and once the GB is complete 
a CMC Project approval poll will be issued. This is in line with 
conditions from CNES and ESA 
we do not have today WG Chairs, because the CESG poll has failed.
CESG recommends 
to go ahead with the logistics to create the WG and set the GB as an 
approved Project and the BB as Draft project.
to ask the MOIMS AD to ask S. Chien and M. Sarkarati to act as leaders of 
the forthcoming PS WG meeting at Darmstadt..

FSA proposal: Unmanned Spacecraft Flight safety and Collision
The proposed system deals with an on-board automated Collision Avoidance 
System (CAS) between controlled and cooperative satellites. This is of 
very limited benefit since the vast majority of close approaches and 
therefore collision risks are between a controlled satellite and a debris. 
The most recent collision (Iridium-Cosmos) illustrates this.
Besides, the feasibility of this fully automated on-board CAS is highly 
questionable since it would require:
Proper anticipation of upcoming close approaches which is mandatory and is 
based on proper screening of ground-based orbital objects catalogs
In-orbit ranging with very high relative velocity
In-orbit exchange of orbital parameters, orbit models and planned 
On-board precision orbit propagation
On-board collision avoidance manoeuver decision & determination (the 
automation of this function is unrealistic)
In summary, the proposed system and related standards are of limited 
usefulness and doubtful feasibility. On the contrary, CCSDS Collision Data 
Message (CDM) is widely used by satellite operators to perform collision 
avoidance from the ground.
As all the CESG ADs are not present, it was agreed to add this point to 
the CESG agenda on 13thn Nov 2015

Allocation of Resources
Normal process is as follows:
WG Chairs / BOF Chair estimate resources needed for new Projects or 
missing Prototypes (usually proto 2 resources are missing)
WG Chairs / BOF Chair requests to WG / BOF members their Agency's interest 
to deploy resources.
WG / BOF member checks with their CMC Agency representative the 
availability of resources.
Once confirmed (either by WG member and / or CMC representative), WG Chair 
updates resource profile
for a missing resource in an existing Project 
for a new Project 
An automatic mail is generated informing AD / DAD and Agency 
representative of affected resources.
AD raises a resolution for a CMC poll for project approval

Proc & Org YB modifications for selection of WG Chairs
We have agreed the following during the last webex
1.We need a step by step procedure for a new WG
a.      BOF may propose WG chair candidates. It is assumed that Agencies 
having interest in the subject are actively participating to the BOF.
b.      AD asks for sake of fairness the CMC if they have additional 
candidates and potential resources
c.      AD decides the nominees and proposes this in a CESG poll
2.To replace Chair or Deputy Chair in an existing WG
1 b applies
but we did not agree about the following:
Are rules needed in the YB for the selection of WG Chairs ?
and do we need to extend the rules covering the following questions ?
Can CESG Chairs be WG or SIG Chairs? 
Can a CMC representative be CESG Chair or AD or WG or SIG Chair ? 
Can an AD or DAD  be WG Chair ? 
Can a CCSDS member be Chair  of several WGs ? 
Can WG chair and deputy chair of a WG belong to the same Agency ? 
Can an AD and DAD of a certain Area belong to the same Agency ? 
Can a CCSDS member be AD / DAD in several Areas ?

As some ADs are not participating today, It is proposed to discuss this at 
the CESG meeting on 13th Nov

Architecture work
Peter's inputs will be discussed on a dedicated meeting planned for 
Tuesday 10th Nov at 5:30 pm

        Lunch tickets has to be paid cash on a day per day basis

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