[CESG] SOIS-SUBNET WG-2015-10-12
Martin.Suess at esa.int
Martin.Suess at esa.int
Mon Oct 12 14:10:12 UTC 2015
Dear CESG Chair,
the following resolution has been approved by the SOIS AD.
Could you please raise a CESG poll to approve the creation of a new
Subnetwork Working Group in the SOIS area.
The Concept paper and the draft WG Charter mentioned in the poll are
attached below.
SOIS-SUBNET WG-2015-10-12, Resolution concerning approval of new
Subnetwork Working Group in the SOIS Area,
CONSIDERING that the deterministic network Onboard Deterministic Network
BoF in consensus proposed the recreation of the Subnetwork (SUBNET)
Working Group and, as required by CCSDS A02.1-Y-4a, produced the following
a) Concept Paper describing WG purpose and goals,
b) Draft WG Charter,
c) Draft CWE projects for the following books
i. Green Book for Mapping on Existing Data Link Protocols
ii. Magenta Book for Subnetwork Deterministic Service (incl. 5
year review of existing Subnetwork Service magenta books)
RESOLVES to request CESG/CMC to approve the recreation of the Subnetwork
(SUBNET) Working Group
RECOMMENDS that the CESG approve this resolution, and finally
REQUESTS that a CESG poll be conducted to accomplish this.
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