[CESG] CSS Area Resolution -- dissolution of the CSA WG

Barkley, Erik J (3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed May 6 18:15:15 UTC 2015

CESG Chair,

The CSS AD has approved the following resolution.  The resolution is below and also attached to this email.

Best regards,


CSS-R-2015-05-001, Resolution concerning dissolution of the Cross Support Architecture Working Group

The CSS Area,

CONSIDERING that the CCSDS Management Council has voted unanimously for adopting the Space Communications Cross Support-Architecture Requirements Document;

and CONSIDERING that the publication of the Architecture Requirement Document fulfills all of the deliverables chartered for the WG;

and RECOGNIZING the excellent work performed by the WG;

THANKS the former Working Group Chair, Takahiro Yamada of JAXA and the recommendation lead author, Peter Shames of NASA/JPL for their meritorious efforts;

and RESOLVES that the Cross Support Architecture Working Group is hereby terminated;

and REQUEST that the CCSDS Secretariat perform updates of the CCSDS infrastructure such as updating the CCSDS webpages, archiving of the former WG CWE, etc as appropriate.

[End Resolution]

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