[CESG] SEA analysis of existing terminology issues

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 31 21:46:24 UTC 2015

Dear CESG,

Thanks for the spirited discussion in yesterday's meeting re both the SANA registry issues and the terminology / glossary issues.  Attached is the analysis we have so far produced for some of the widely used terms in the CCSDS standards.  These were chosen specifically because they are:

  1.  Used in several CCSDS specs
  2.  Defined multiple times
  3.  Possible topics where there might be issues

As you will see, in some cases we do not have a great problem, and the addition of some simple "this specialzies that" phrases will deal with the problem.  For many of the specialized domains we can often just leave it to the experts, i.e. Nav terms, with some suitable leveling and references to common terms.  In other cases we have situations where a "story" was provided instead of a simple definition, often two or more definitions in one.  In yet other cases we have the same term defined in quite different ways.  In some others we have definitions which look OK at first reading, but on analysis make little sense.

I'd like to discuss this at the next CESG telecon.  Meanwhile we will keep on digging to see what else we can learn about this "mare's nest" we have created for ourselves.

Regards, Peter

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