[CESG] RE: 734x1r3_20150329_FINAL.docx

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Mon Mar 30 19:07:04 UTC 2015

The spreadsheet of issues used when resolving the SEA issues is attached.


From: Scott, Keith L.
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 8:50 AM
To: Tom Gannett (thomas.gannett at tgannett.net); Tom Gannett
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec (cesg at mailman.ccsds.org)
Subject: 734x1r3_20150329_FINAL.docx


Attached is the updated LTP-for-CCSDS book, which addresses all of the SEA RIDS resulting from the CESG Poll-for-publication.  The attached Word document contains the markups from the poll-for-publication version, and I do not believe that any of the modifications resulting from the RID resolutions modify the technical parts of the book so as to require another agency poll.  In short, I believe that the book is ready for poll for CESG publication.

Edits that I have NOT done to this version include:

******* Correctly (per the secretariat's formatting mechanisms) insert the reference to RFC7116.  That is, the reference is left as XXXX with no bookmark defined.

******* Correctly format the reference for the new figure added in section 2 (i.e. I have not even attempted to add the magic formatting you use in the figure captions).

If you like I can attempt to make these modifications, otherwise I will leave them in your capable hands.

If you find that the attached document is somehow NOT based on the version that went out for CESG polling for publication, please provide me with that Word version and I will re-introduce the edits before resubmitting to you.

            Best Regards,


Dr. Keith Scott                                                                                           Office: +1.703.983.6547

Chief Engineer, J86A                                                                               Fax:      +1.703.983.7142

Communications Network Engineering & Analysis Email: kscott at mitre.org<mailto:kscott at mitre.org>

The MITRE Corporation<http://www.mitre.org/>                                                                        M/S H300

7515 Colshire Drive

McLean, VA 22102

Area Director, CCSDS<http://www.ccsds.org/> Space Internetworking Services<http://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/default.aspx>

MITRE self-signs its own certificates.  Information about the MITRE PKI Certificate Chain is available from http://www.mitre.org/tech/mii/pki/

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