[CESG] SIS Resolution SIS-R-2015-03-001 to begin working on SIS-DTN document: Bundle Security Protocol for CCSDS

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Sun Mar 29 15:53:24 UTC 2015

CCSDS Secretariat,


Can you please initiate a CMC poll for the following SIS resolution?

The SIS Area, on the recommendation of the SIS-DTN working group, resolves
via SIS Resolution SIS-R-2015-03-001 to request that the CMC change the
state of the SIS-DTN Project "Bundle Security Protocol for CCSDS
x&ContentTypeId=0x0100B63160D64FE81342BE42A874DE7E703D> " from Pending to
Approved.  The estimated completion dates on the framework page for the
Bundle Security Protocol have been updated.


Best Regards,






Dr. Keith Scott
Office: +1.703.983.6547

Chief Engineer, J86A
Fax:      +1.703.983.7142

Communications Network Engineering & Analysis Email: kscott at mitre.org

The MITRE Corporation <http://www.mitre.org/>
M/S H300

7515 Colshire Drive

McLean, VA 22102


Area Director, CCSDS <http://www.ccsds.org/>  Space Internetworking Services


MITRE self-signs its own certificates.  Information about the MITRE PKI
Certificate Chain is available from http://www.mitre.org/tech/mii/pki/



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