[CESG] FW: [Secretariat] [CMC Alert] Question about CCSDS 876.1-R-1 & 876.0-R-1

Thomas Gannett tomg at aiaa.org
Fri Jul 24 18:21:48 UTC 2015

Dear Nestor:


I am aware of your rationale for insisting that the rules be followed to the
letter, even though no particular rule applies in this case, and I applaud
your decision to go down that path. My concern was only that conducting
additional polls would foreshorten the available time to review the document
and could prevent review from being completed prior to the fall meetings.
The expenditure of Agency resources to send technical personnel to meetings
to discuss review results notwithstanding, at the CESG chair's behest I
therefore declare the CESG and CMC polls for the SOIS Dictionary of Terms
document to be null and void. 





From: Nestor.Peccia at esa.int [mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int] 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 1:50 PM
To: Thomas Gannett
Cc: cesg at mailman.ccsds.org; cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org; Jonathan Wilmot;
'Nick Tongson'; Richard Melvin; r.krosley at andropogon.org
Subject: Re: [CESG] FW: [Secretariat] [CMC Alert] Question about CCSDS
876.1-R-1 & 876.0-R-1


Dear Tom, 

Rules have to be applied in the same way to all WGs, Areas and polls. 

The referred book (SOIS Dictionary of Tems) , a BLUE BOOK, is an "APPROVED"
CWE Project, 

The Secretariat who is responsible for raising CESG and CMC polls has
created TWO  "INVALID" polls in sequence for a non existing book. (the SOIS
Dictionary of terms MB) 

The matter of urgency is doubtful,  with CESG conditions raised in April
2015, i.e. 3 months ago and a CMC poll started on 13th July. 

As CESG chair. I fully disagree with your proposal. 

The WG needs to re-deliver a draft in accordance with the CWE Approved
Project, i.e. a BB. 

The current CMC poll has to be stopped, and the CESG poll has to be
reissued, once the doc is mature as a future BB 

I can imagine that any other draft BB (without an ICS) going through a CESG
poll , would have got a condition for the lack of an ICS 

Last but not least, we need to consider to change the YB, to save us from
the Secretariat issuing invalid polls. 


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