[CESG] FW: [Secretariat] [CMC Alert] Question about CCSDS 876.1-R-1 & 876.0-R-1

Thomas Gannett tomg at aiaa.org
Fri Jul 24 14:33:30 UTC 2015

Dear CESG Members:

The SOIS Dictionary of Terms document was delivered to the Secretariat as a proposed Magenta Book and apparently started life as such. At some point in its development, however, the WG apparently decided it should instead be on a Blue Book track but never changed any of the boilerplate in the draft. Thus we have a discrepancy between what the Framework project claims the book is and what the draft document itself claims to be.

The problem now is that the document went through CESG polling with "Proposed Draft Recommended Practice" on its cover and without expected Blue Book elements like an ICS, and a CMC members since has indicated he thinks it is really supposed to be a Blue Book. The question is, would the CESG poll have ended differently if the document had had "Proposed Draft Recommended Standard" on its cover?

It would be nice not to have to delay review of the document at this point by returning to the beginning of the polling process. Since the CMC approved a Blue Book project, and since no doubt the WG is already hard at work hammering out the details of interoperability testing to be performed in concert with the review, etc.,  I propose allowing the book to go to review as a draft Recommended Standard, allowing any question of whether that is the appropriate track to be deferred until the review has concluded. If anyone objects to that approach, please advise.

Best regards,
Tom Gannett

-----Original Message-----
From: secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of T. Shigeta
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 1:14 AM
To: NickT at aiaa.org; Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Cc: 戸張 直子; CMC-exec at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [Secretariat] [CMC Alert] Question about CCSDS 876.1-R-1 & 876.0-R-1

Dear Nestor-san and Nick-san,

In reference to the CMC poll for the following two SOIS documents, I would like to have your advice before voting on the CMC poll for
CMC-P-2015-07-003 and CMC-P-2015-07-004.


Concerning the CCSDS 876.1-R-1, JAXA has a question about whether this book is Magenta as proposed by CMC poll or Blue as stated by the Project Charter and CESG Report. On page ii, statement text for the Blue Book remains there. So far as we see the content of this document, we consider it a Blue book. While we do not see any particular report in the CESG Report about changing from Blue to Magenta, is there any discussion in this regard?

On the other hand, title of this document shows “ONBOARD COMPONENTS”, while the accompanying document of CCSDS 876.0-R-1 shows “ONBOARD DEVICES”. We are not certain whether this difference is intentional. CWE Project site introduces this document as Component while the CESG report says Device.

Latter subject can be pointed out during the Agency Review, however, we would like to know about the former subject for JAXA’s voting on the CMC poll.

Regards ---- Shigeta

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