[CESG] Re: Results of CESG Poll CESG-P-2015-03-008 Approval to release CCSDS 876.1-R-1, Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Specification for Dictionary of Terms for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Components (Red Book, Issue 1) for CCSDS Agency r...

Scott, Keith L. kscott at mitre.org
Thu Jul 9 15:57:57 UTC 2015

The SIS Area is ok with the proposed resolutions to our RIDs.


From: Ramon Krosley
Reply-To: "r.krosley at andropogon.org<mailto:r.krosley at andropogon.org>"
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 11:11 PM
To: Tom Gannett
Cc: Jonathan Wilmot, Richard Barton, "jean-francois.dufour at esa.int<mailto:jean-francois.dufour at esa.int>", Peter Shames, "Scott, Keith L."
Subject: Fw: Re: Results of CESG Poll CESG-P-2015-03-008 Approval to release CCSDS 876.1-R-1, Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Specification for Dictionary of Terms for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Components (Red Book, Issue 1) for CCSDS Agency r...

Tom, here is the email sent in May.  It explains the attachment, which contains the documents and replies to comments.  Thanks for your help!

---- Original Message ----
From: "Ramon Krosley" <r.krosley at andropogon.org<mailto:r.krosley at andropogon.org>>
To: kscott at mitre.org<mailto:kscott at mitre.org>, tomaso.decola at dlr.de<mailto:tomaso.decola at dlr.de>, peter.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: richard.melvin at scisys.co.uk<mailto:richard.melvin at scisys.co.uk>
Sent: May 18, 2015 08:29:26 MDT
Subject: Re: Results of CESG Poll CESG-P-2015-03-008 Approval to release  CCSDS 876.1-R-1, Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Specification  for Dictionary of Terms for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard  Components (Red Book, Issue 1) for CCSDS Agency review

Richard Melvin and I have been coordinating the improvements to the EDS and DoT red books.  The attachment contains the revised documents and replies to your comments.  There are two directories in the attachment, one for EDS and one for DoT.  Please let us know whether these changes are satisfactory.

(The attachment was renamed in case your mail systems filter .zip files.  To use the attachment, rename its file type from .zp to .zip; it's a standard windows compressed directory.  Let me know if I should retransmit in some other form.)

Ramon Krosley

On April 16, 2015 13:25 MDT, "Ramon Krosley" <r.krosley at andropogon.org<mailto:r.krosley at andropogon.org>> wrote:

Many thanks for these comments!  I'll work through them, and communicate further.

On the issue of relationship with XTCE and Spacecraft Monitoring and Control, there are a couple of developing activities.

  *   One activity is the green book that is being written now in the SOIS APP working group.  It contains an "onion diagram" which shows where XTCE could be used and where SOIS EDS's could be used.  This diagram could be a topic for discussion between SM&C and SOIS-APP.  I'll leave it to Jonathan to organize that discussion, if that's appropriate.
  *   The other development comes from the fact that Kevin Rice is in the SOIS APP working group, and he is one of the authors of XTCE.  Kevin and I have been discussing how the DoT could be used in XTCE, which could provide continuity of terminology across vehicle and mission control.


On April 16, 2015 11:48 MDT, "Thomas Gannett" <tomg at aiaa.org<mailto:tomg at aiaa.org>> wrote:

Dear Jonathan et al.:

The CESG poll to approve release of the SOIS DoT Red Book concluded with conditions. The conditions are stated below; attachments referenced in the conditions are attached to this message (876x1r0_CESG_Approval-SEA.pdf and 876.1-R-1.zipx).

Also attached is the Word file (876x1r0_CESG_Approval.doc) used to create the PDF file used in the poll. Please use it to make changes in response to conditions.

Resolution of the conditions should be negotiated directly with the authors of the conditions (CCed) and reported back to the CESG.

Best regards,
Tom Gannett

CESG E-Poll Identifier: CESG-P-2015-03-008 Approval to release CCSDS 876.1-R-1, Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services-Specification for Dictionary of Terms for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Components (Red Book, Issue 1) for CCSDS Agency review
Results of CESG poll beginning 29 March 2015 and ending 15 April 2015:

                 Abstain:  2 (25%) (Barkley, Calzolari)
 Approve Unconditionally:  4 (50%) (Merri, Behal, Suess, Barton)
 Approve with Conditions:  2 (25%) (Shames, Scott)
 Disapprove with Comment:  0 (0%)


Peter Shames (Approve with Conditions): This is a complex document that is dealing with what is essentially totally new subject matter for CCSDS, i.e. EDS, using totally new methodology, i.e. ontology. As such it is breaking new ground and introducing the rest of the community to a whole new set of terms, techniques, and methods.

Having done some of this work myself I can find my way through it and I understand the intent and the approach. But I have doubts that most other readers in CCSDS will find it easy going. As a result am requesting that there be some thought given to a significant re-write before this is unleashed upon the rest of the world.

I find the following major issues:

1) in many cases it seems that the issues or problems are presented before the motivation and discussion. This leads to a sort of "reverse Polish" reading style being required, probably not optimal. This same issue surfaces in that Sec 2 materials appear in Sec 3.

2) There is a lot of what appears to be essential descriptive material that belongs in Sec 2, but that is buried down in sub-sub-section in Sec 3.

3) The relationships among these different concepts, ontology, terms, EDS, EDS "core" schema, actual EDS in a component, how these are to be defined, managed, and accessed are complex. They deserve a really clear set of descriptions (in sec 2) along with a set of diagrams that will make the sometimes complex language descriptions more clear.

4) There are a lot of terms that are used in the body of the text that do not appear in the definitions. There are several references that also are in the same boat. There are also terms and concepts from other SOIS docs that should be defined as references from those docs. And lastly, there are some definitions for terms that are either not "crisp" or that do not read as clearly and unambiguously as they might.

5) There is a set of topics that are stated using requirements "shall" language that appear under "general" headings that might normally be thought of as non-normative. There are also a number of requirements that are collected under a single heading instead of being individual.

A whole set of detailed comments is inserted in the attached mark-up.


Mario Merri (Approve Unconditionally): During the Agency Review the relationships with the CCSDS XTCE and CCSDS M&C Services shall be clarified and described in the book. To this effect more detailed RIDs will be raised by the SM&C WG.

Bigette Behal (Approve Unconditionally): During the Agency Review the relationships with the CCSDS XTCE and CCSDS M&C Services shall be clarified and described in the book. To this effect more detailed RIDs will be raised by the SM&C WG.

Erik Barkley (Abstain): Unfortunately I can not provide an adequate review at this time.

Keith Scott (Approve with Conditions): See attached.

Total Respondents: 8
No response was received from the following Area(s):


PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION:            Generate CMC poll after conditions have been addressed

Thomas Gannett
+1 443 472 0805

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